#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # # blq - block list query # # Author: Chip Rosenthal # Created: November 13, 2002 # Modified by: Jim # Last Modified: February 18, 2006 # Version: 1.23c # # Location: This script can be found at # http://support.moonpoint.com/downloads/computer_languages/perl/blq.html # # Description: This program can be used to query various block lists to # determine if a particular IP address is on the block lists. An IP # address may be added to a block list if it is assoicated with an open # relay, an open proxy, or has been identified as a source of spam. The # criteria for adding a system's IP address to a block list is determined # by the individual or organization maintaining a particular block list. # # Modification History: This version of blq is based on Chip Rosenthal's # 1.23 version of blq (see http://www.unicom.com/sw/blq). The 1.23 version, # which was the latest version on his site as of January 2, 2004, contains # references to the Osirusoft block lists, which no longer exist and the # xbl list, xbl.selwerd.cx, which also appears to no longer be functional. # See blq-changelog file for further information. # # Perl POD documentation at the end. # $0 =~ s!.*/!!; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Net::hostent; use Socket; use vars qw($Usage %ZoneTags $DefaultId $ShowAddrFlag $NoRevLookup $GetTxtInfo); %ZoneTags = ( ### # # The "default" tag is used if no other is given. Originally, # the default query was to "rbl". That's been deprecated since # the MAPS RBL is no longer public. I've selected a small number # of lists to use as the default. Of course, you are free to # change it if you don't like my selection. # #"default" => "rbl", "default" => [qw(sbl rsl pdl opm relays)], ### # # Spamhaus Block List # "sbl" => "sbl.spamhaus.org", ### # # Relay Stop List # "rsl" => "relays.visi.com", ### # # Pan-American Dailup List # "pdl" => "dialups.visi.com", ### # # Open Relay Database # "ordb" => "relays.ordb.org", ### # # Not Just Another Bogus List # "njabl" => "dnsbl.njabl.org", ### # # Spam and Open Relay Blocking System # "sorbs" => "dnsbl.sorbs.net", ### # # "fiveten" => "blackholes.five-ten-sg.com", ### # # SpamCop Block List # "spamcop" => "bl.spamcop.net", ### # # Habeas Infringers List # "hil" => "hil.habeas.com", ### # # Composite Block List # "cbl" => "cbl.abuseat.org", ### # # Passive Spam Block List # "psbl" => "psbl.surriel.com", ### # # RFC-Ignorant ipwhois list # "rfci" => "ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org", ### # # Open Proxy Monitor List # "opm-wingate" => "wingate.opm.blitzed.org", "opm-socks" => "socks.opm.blitzed.org", "opm-http" => "http.opm.blitzed.org", "opm" => "opm.blitzed.org", "opm-all" => [qw(opm opm-wingate opm-socks opm-http)], ### # # Distributed Server Boycott List # "dsbl-list" => "list.dsbl.org", "dsbl-multihop" => "multihop.dsbl.org", "dsbl-unconfirmed" => "unconfirmed.dsbl.org", "dsbl" => [qw(dsbl-list dsbl-multihop dsbl-unconfirmed)], ### # # IDs for zones hosted by mail-abuse.org (MAPS) # "rbl+" => "rbl-plus.mail-abuse.org", "rbl" => "blackholes.mail-abuse.org", "dul" => "dialups.mail-abuse.org", "rss" => "relays.mail-abuse.org", # alias for back-compatibility with original name # *** this tag deprecated as of 24-Feb-2002 "rrss" => "rss", # aggregate of all MAPS zones "maps" => [qw(rbl dul rss)], ### # # "all" aggregate - query all lists. # "all" => [qw(sbl rsl pdl ordb njabl sorbs fiveten spamcop hil cbl psbl rfci opm-all cbl dsbl maps)] ); $Usage = "usage: $0 [-ant] [list-id-or-zone[,...]] host-name-or-address\n" . " (known list-ids = " . join(", ", keys %ZoneTags) . ")\n"; # # Grab command line arguments. # my %opts; getopts('ant', \%opts) or die $Usage; $ShowAddrFlag = $opts{'a'}; $NoRevLookup = $opts{'n'}; $GetTxtInfo = $opts{'t'}; my @server_list = munge_server_spec((@ARGV > 1) ? shift(@ARGV) : "default"); if (@ARGV != 1) { die $Usage } my @query_list = canonicalize_query(shift(@ARGV)); # # Pull in Net::DNS only if we are going to be doing TXT lookups. # That way we can leave it optional for basic functionality. # eval 'use Net::DNS' if ($GetTxtInfo); # # Iterate through the list of servers, performing the requested queries. # my($zone, $query, $qtarget, $h, @result, @txtinfo, $ex); $ex = 0; foreach $zone (@server_list) { foreach $query (@query_list) { # output format is: # : cbl.abuseat.org: BLOCKED undef(@txtinfo); undef(@result); push(@result, $query->{ADDR}); if (defined($query->{NAME})) { push(@result, $query->{NAME}); } push(@result, ":", $zone, ":"); $qtarget = calculate_query_target($query->{ADDR}, $zone); $h = gethostbyname($qtarget); if (defined($h)) { push(@result, "BLOCKED"); if ($ShowAddrFlag) { $_ = inet_ntoa(@{$h->addr_list}[0]); push(@result, "($_)"); } if ($GetTxtInfo) { @txtinfo = query_txt($qtarget); } $ex = 2 } else { push(@result, "ok"); } print join(" ", @result), "\n"; print "\t", join("\n\t", @txtinfo), "\n" if (@txtinfo); } } exit($ex); # # munge_server_spec - given a list of block list server zones and IDs # ($server_spec), generate an array containing the block list server zones # to query (@server_list). # sub munge_server_spec { die q[usage: munge_server_spec($server_spec)] unless (@_ == 1); my $server_spec = shift; my @server_list_result = ( ); my @spec_queue; my %did_server; my $t; @spec_queue = split(/[\s,]+/, $server_spec); while (@spec_queue > 0) { # grab next entry from the specification $_ = shift(@spec_queue); # if it might be a DNS zone then add it to our list if (/\./) { push(@server_list_result, $_) if (! $did_server{$_}++); next; } # see if it is a tag we recognize $t = $ZoneTags{$_} or die "$0: unknown block list \"$_\"\n", $Usage; # tags may refer to a single entry or an aggregate of entries if (ref($t) eq "ARRAY") { unshift(@spec_queue, @{$t}); } else { unshift(@spec_queue, $t); } } return @server_list_result; } # # canonicalize_query() - Given a $query of some form (either a hostname # or hostaddr) produce a list of ($hostname, $hostaddr) pairs. The list # typically will have only a single entry. The exception is if a hostname # resolves to multiple addresses. # sub canonicalize_query { die q[usage: canonicalize_query($query)] unless (@_ == 1); my $query = shift; my($addr, $name, $h); my @ret = (); if ($query =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { # query specified as an address $addr = $query; if ($NoRevLookup) { $name = undef; } else { $h = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($addr)); $name = ($h ? $h->name : undef); } push(@ret, {'NAME' => $name, 'ADDR' => $addr}); } else { # query specified as a hostname $name = $query; $h = gethostbyname($name) or die "$0: gethostbyname($name) failed\n"; foreach $addr (@{$h->addr_list}) { push(@ret, {'NAME' => $name, 'ADDR' => inet_ntoa($addr)}); } } return @ret; } # # calculate_query_target() - Determine DNS query value to locate $addr # within the block list published at $zone. # sub calculate_query_target { die q[usage: calculate_query_target($addr, $zone)] unless (@_ == 2); my($addr, $zone) = @_; # put dot on end to avoid searchlist $zone .= "." unless ($zone =~ /\.$/); $addr =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ or die "$0: bad address \"$addr\"\n"; return "$4.$3.$2.$1.$zone"; } # # query_txt() - Query for TXT information associated with $v. # sub query_txt { die q[usage: query_txt($v)] unless (@_ == 1); my($v) = @_; my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; my $query = $res->query($v, "TXT") or die("$0: resolver->query($v, \"TXT\") failed: $!\n"); my @result = ( ); foreach my $rr ($query->answer) { if ($rr->type eq "TXT") { $_ = $rr->rdatastr; s/^"//; s/"$//; push(@result, $_); } } undef $res; return @result; } __END__ =head1 NAME blq - Inquire an email block list server. =head1 SYNOPSIS B I<-at> [list-id-or-zone[, ...]] host-name-or-address =head1 DESCRIPTION Several organizations publish mail abuse lists via DNS. B inquires those lists to determine if a particular host is present. The I selects which list to query. It may be the full DNS zone of the block list (such as "blackholes.mail-abuse.org"), one of a number of pre-defined IDs (see below), or a list (comma or space delimited) of these items. As distributed, the pre-defined set of IDs includes: List-Id List-Zone ------- -------------------- sbl sbl.spamhaus.org rsl relays.visi.com pdl dialups.visi.com ordb relays.ordb.org njabl dnsbl.njabl.org sorbs dnsbl.sorbs.net fiveten blackholes.five-ten-sg.com spamcop bl.spamcop.net hil hil.habeas.com cbl cbl.abuseat.org psbl psbl.surriel.com rfci ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org opm opm.blitzed.org (combines the following lists) opm-wingate wingate.opm.blitzed.org opm-socks socks.opm.blitzed.org opm-http http.opm.blitzed.org opm-all (all the opm.blitzed.org zones) dsbl-list list.dsbl.org dsbl-multihop multihop.dsbl.org dsbl-unconfirmed unconfirmed.dsbl.org dsbl (all dsbl.org zones) rbl blackholes.mail-abuse.org dul dialups.mail-abuse.org rss relays.mail-abuse.org maps (all mail-abuse.org zones) all (all the above) default cbl, sbl, rsl, pdl, opm and relays If no I is specified, then B is used. The I is the query to perform, specified either as a name or IP address. All the block lists are indexed by host address, not name. Thus, when a host name is given, it must be (and will be) resolved to an address for the query. If a name resolves to multiple addresses, they all will be queried. The output contains three colon-delimited fields, and looks something like: blackholes.mail-abuse.org : relay.spamhausen.com : BLOCKED The first field lists the zone queried. The second field lists the query: the host address followed by the name it resolves to. The third field lists the result: "BLOCKED" if the host is on the list, "ok" if it isn't. The following options are available: =over 8 =item B<-a> Some block lists provide additional information on a listed entry. This information is encoded as an IP address. The B<-a> option displays the address codes encountered for blocked entries. =item B<-n> Normally, when the target is specified as an address, a reverse lookup is performed to determine the hostname. When B<-n> is specified the reverse lookup is suppressed, and just the numeric address is displayed. =item B<-t> Some block lists provide additional information in TXT records. If the B<-t> option is specified, I will fetch any TXT records associated with a list entry. The information found will be printed on subsequent lines, indented one tabstop. =back =head1 SEE ALSO cbl http://cbl.abuseat.org dsbl http://dsbl.org/ dul http://mail-abuse.org/dul/ fiveten http://www.five-ten-sg.com/blackhole.php hil http://www.habeas.com/services/infringers.htm njabl http://njabl.org/ opm http://www.blitzed.org/opm/ ordb http://www.ordb.org/ pdl http://www.pan-am.ca/pdl/ psbl http://psbl.surriel.com rbl http://mail-abuse.org/rbl/ rfci rfc-ignorant.org rsl http://relays.visi.com/ rss http://mail-abuse.org/rss/ sbl http://www.spamhaus.org/SBL/ spamcop http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml sorbs http://www.us.sorbs.net/ =head1 DIAGNOSTICS An exit status of zero indicates the host was not listed ("ok"). An exit status of two indicates that it was listed ("BLOCKED"). Any other non-zero exit status is an error. =head1 BUGS Inclusion of a particular list in this utility should B be construed as an endorsement by the program author. I use some of these lists for email filtering. I believe some of these lists are evil. You should visit their web pages, read their policies, and decide for yourself. =head1 AUTHOR Chip Rosenthal $Id: blq,v 1.23 2002/11/13 19:16:03 chip Exp $ See http://www.unicom.com/sw/blq/ for latest version.