Spyware Detection and Removal - CWShredder

Name: cwshredder.zip
Description: CWShredder - Coolwebsearch Trojan Remover
Version: 1.59.1
Size: 137 KB (139937 bytes)
Developer: Merijn - merijn @ spywareinfo.com
Developer Website: http://www.richardthelionhearted.com/?url=merijn.richardthelionhearted.com
Obtained From: http://aumha.org/downloads/cwshredder.zip
Obtained On: 10/4/2004
Requirements: Windows
Purchase Information: Free
Comments: This tool will find and destroy all traces of the CoolWebSearch (CWS) hijacker on your system. This includes:

To run the program, simply extract the cwshredder.exe file and run it; there is no further installation process.

The developer's website is mirrored at http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/. The developer has indicated that the CWShredder project was suspended at this version, 1.59.1

For any additional help with this program or removing CWS, visit:

For information and documentation on the Coolwebsearch
trojan and its variants, visit:

For donations to help support CWShredder and other tools provided by the developer, visit:

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