jsAMP Technology Preview Demo

jsAMP is a JavaScript MP3 player which uses the SoundManager 2 API to provide JS-driven audio. It's an example of the kind of stuff you could build using SoundManager. All player logic is handled via Javascript, but SoundManager 2 (JS + Flash) provide the actual sound layer. It's also convenient in that no Flash knowledge is needed, it's all handled by SM2.

jsAMP picks up all <a> elements linking to MP3 files in the page, and creates a playlist (view source for details.) It gets ID3 information when loading local/same-domain files or as permissions allow, as well.

To see the playlist, click the "down arrow" Playlist toggle at right on the UI.

Click and drag the title bar to move the player around. When a track is loaded, click to seek or drag and drop the slider to a given position. (Safari seems to have a few minor UI issues in this version, FYI.) IE 6 also receives a somewhat-degraded, GIF-based experience.

The idea is to release jsAMP as a free utility, but it isn't quite finished (nor documented) yet, code needs to be cleaned up, images optimized and so on. Feel free to tinker etc., just be aware you're doing so at your own risk. ;)

SoundManager 2 Project Home

Skin: light | dark || this background sucks

%{artist} - %{title} [%{album}], (%{year}) (%{time})
jsAMP Technology Preview v0.99a.20071010 (Seriously alpha - use at own risk! :))
Seek to %{time1} of %{time2} (%{percent}%)

This is a normal list of HTML links to MP3 files, which jsAMP picks up and turns into a playlist.