xlrd - case sensitive sheet names

I use the xlrd module in Python scripts to extract data from Excel workbooks. I created the simple script below to determine the value in a specific cell in a worksheet that is found in most of the workbooks I deal with.


import xlrd as xl

# Desired value is in L33
rowx = 32 # row 33, but 32 because first row is 0
colx = 11 # column L; A column is 0

file_name = raw_input("File: ")
workbook = xl.open_workbook(file_name)
theSheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Reference")
theValue = theSheet.cell(rowx, colx)
print theValue

But, instead of getting the expected value when I ran the script, I saw the error message below:

$ ./sheetvalue.py 
File: ../CRQ1222539.xlsm                               
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./sheetvalue.py", line 11, in <module>
    theSheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Reference")
  File "/Users/jasmith1/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/xlrd-1.0.0-p
y2.7.egg/xlrd/book.py", line 441, in sheet_by_name
    raise XLRDError('No sheet named <%r>' % sheet_name)
xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: No sheet named <'Reference'>

The value was in a hidden sheet and I didn't realize at first that the sheet name was case sensitive. The sheet name was "REFERENCE", but I had used "Reference", so saw the "No sheet named" error message. When I changed workbook.sheet_by_name("Reference") to workbook.sheet_by_name("REFERENCE"), I was then able to print the desired value.

You can use the Python xlrd module to list the worksheets in a workbook.