Not enough free disk space for Entourage

When I got up this morning and entered the userid and password to unlock my MacBook laptop, I saw a message from VMWare Fusion announcing "VMware Fusion has paused this virtual machine because the disk on which the virutal machine is stored is almost full." I needed to check my email, so I switched to Microsoft Entourage, which is the email client I use on the laptop, but found Microsoft Entourage reportng "Your hard disk is full. The Entrourage database requires additional free space. Entourage will now quit so you can make more space available on your hard disk by moving or deleting files."

Entourage - Your hard disk is full

I clicked on Quit and Entourage terminated. I then checked the available free space on the hard disk drive in the laptop by hitting Command-F3 to get to the desktop, where I could right-click on the the "Macintosh HD" icon for the hard drive.

Generic Category (English)120x600

Macintosh HD

When I right-clicked on it and chose Get Info, I saw that there was 8.11 GB of disk space free on the 249.2 GB disk drive.

Macintosh HD Info

Microsoft Office 2008 and 2011 on a Mac system store user data beneath the directory /Users/useracct/Documents/Microsoft User Data, where useracct is the user account. The folder Microsoft User Data is created in the Documents folder the first time Microsoft Office is used from the account. When I checked the disk space being used for the Microsoft User Data directory and all its subdirectories from a shell prompt, I saw a total of 88 GB of disk space was being consumed.

$ du -ch ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data | grep total
 88G	total

I sorted the output of the du command to find which directories were using the most disk space beneath ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data, I found that a lot of space was being consumed by old "identity" backups:

$ du  ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data | sort -n | tail -10
5608	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 AutoRecovery
18952	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Saved Attachments
21815328	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-08-13 15.16]
25978776	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-03-05 13.15]
27090632	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-05-15 17.22]
27209176	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-07-23 02.34]
36568952	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1
45728080	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2014-01-10 18.04]
184390968	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities
184415672	/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data

Microsoft Office 2008 on the Mac stores data for Entourage, such as your email, calendar entries, tasks, account settings etc. in a database associated with an identity. You can have multiple identities on a system, e.g., separate identities for home and work information. If you are using Microsoft Office 2008, each identity will have its own subdirectory beneath Microsoft User Data/ Office 2008 Identities . In my case, the backups were from times that the system or Entourage had crashed resulting in database corruption requiring me to rebuild the database. Since I store a lot of old email, my Office database is fairly large. I could see for the oldest backup that it was 12 GB in size.

$ ls -lh "/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-03-05 13.15]"
total 25978776
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jdoe  NDC\Domain Users    12G Mar  5  2013 Database
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jdoe  NDC\Domain Users    12K Mar  5  2013 Mailing Lists
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jdoe  NDC\Domain Users    12K Mar  5  2013 Rules
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jdoe  NDC\Domain Users    12K Mar  5  2013 Signatures

I decided to delete all of the 2013 backups. You can delete an identity folder and all the files within it from the command line or through the Finder.

$ cd "/Users/jdoe/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities"
$ ls
Main Identity 1
Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-03-05 13.15]
Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-05-15 17.22]
Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-07-23 02.34]
Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-08-13 15.16]
Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2014-01-10 18.04]
Newsgroup Cache
$ rm -R "Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-03-05 13.15]"
$ rm -R "Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-05-15 17.22]"
$ rm -R "Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-07-23 02.34]"
$ rm -R "Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-07-23 02.34]"
$ rm -R "Main Identity 1 [Backed up 2013-08-13 15.16]"
$ df -h
Filesystem                          Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused    ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2                       232Gi  175Gi   57Gi    76% 45838196 15001548   75%   /

I was then able to restart Entourage, though I was prompted to select an identity.

Entourage - Select an identity

I selected "Main Identity 1" and clicked on OK and Entourage opened normally. And I was also able select "continue" for VMWare Fusion.


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Created: Tuesday March 25, 2014