
SystemRescueCD is a Linux live CD which will allow you to boot a system outside of the operating system loaded onto the system's internal hard disk drive. It has support for the standard NTFS file system used on Microsoft Windows systems, so can be used to recover or backup data from a system that won't boot properly due to a hardware issue or a malware infection. Or, if a system boots, but has other problems due to a virus, adware, or spyware infection, it can be booted into an operating system independent of the one experiencing a problem that is loaded onto the system's hard drive. E.g., if a system is infected, you might want to backup the system outside of Microsoft Windows to external media before trying to disinfect it, in case the malware removal process might render the system unbootable. The SystemRescueCd provides tools for doing so.

The developer's website is located at The rescue CD can be downloaded as an ISO image, which can be "burned" to a CD or DVD.

After booting an infected Dell system running Microsoft Windows 7 Professional from a SystemRescueCD, once the boot process was complete, I typed startx to get a GUI. I then ran GParted, which you can find on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, which showed me the partitions on the internal hard disk drive (image). I saw 3 partitions:

dev/sda - GParted
PartitionFile SystemLabelSize UsedUnusedFlags
/dev/sda1fat16  39.19 MiB213.00 KiB 38.98 MiBdiag
/dev/sda2ntfsRECOVERY14.81 GiB 8.86 GiB5.95 GiBboot
/dev/sda3ntfsOS916.66 GiB 107.55 GiB809.11 GiB  
unallocatedunallocated 1.71 MiB ------ 

Note: what follows are the steps I took to backup partitions on the system to files on an external drive. If you wish to backup an entire drive to another drive the SystemRescueCD supports that option as well or you can use Clonezilla as covered in Cloning a Drive with Clonezilla.

By clicking on GParted on the GParted progam's menu and selecting, Devices, I could see that the external drive was /dev/sdb (931.51 GiB).

From a Terminal window, I typed mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backup to mount the external drive under the directory /mnt/backup.

root@sysrescd /root % mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backup
root@sysrescd /root %

I then backed up the partition table information for the internal drive.

root@sysrescd /root % sfdisk -d /dev/sda > /mnt/backup/sda.ptab
root@sysrescd /root %

I then backed up the Master Boot Record (MBR), which resides in the first sector (512 bytes) of the hard disk to sda.mbr and the MBR plus the Bootloader (the first 63 blocks) to sda.vbr.

Generic Category (English)120x600
root@sysrescd /root % dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/backup/sda.mbr bs=512 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00058397 s, 877 kB/s
root@sysrescd /root % dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/backup/sda.vbr bs=512 count=63
63+0 records in
63+0 records out
32256 bytes (32 kB) copied, 0.290328 s, 111 kB/s
root@sysrescd /root %

Since the Microsoft Windows operating system was installed on the third partition, sda3, I examined that partition with ntfsresize.

root@sysrescd /root % ntfsresize --info /dev/sda3
ntfsresize v2014.2.15 (libntfs-3g)
Device name        : /dev/sda3
NTFS volume version: 3.1
Cluster size       : 4096 bytes
Current volume size: 984258441728 bytes (984259 MB)
Current device size: 984258445312 bytes (984259 MB)
Checking filesystem consistency ...
100.00 percent completed
Accounting clusters ...
Space in use       : 115480 MB (11.7%)
Collecting resizing constraints ...
You might resize at 115479420928 bytes or 115480 MB (freeing 868779 MB).
Please make a test run using both the -n and -s options before real resizing!
root@sysrescd /root %

I then backed up that partition to the external USB-attached disk drive with ntfsclone.

root@sysrescd /root % ntfsclone --save-image --output /mnt/backup/windows.ntfsclone /dev/sda3
ntfsclone v2014.2.15 (libntfs-3g)
NTFS volume version: 3.1
Cluster size       : 4096 bytes
Current volume size: 984258441216 bytes (984259 MB)
Current device size: 984258445312 bytes (984259 MB)
Scanning volume ...
100.00 percent completed
Accounting clusters ...
Space in use       : 115480 MB (11.7%)   
Saving NTFS to image ...
100.00 percent completed
Syncing ...
root@sysrescd /root %

The Windows partition was the critical one I needed backed up on the drive, but after the backup of that partition completed, I backed up the other two partitions as well. Since the diag partition, /dev/sda1 was a FAT16 rather than an NTFS partition, I couldn't use ntfsclone to copy it, since that utility only handles partitions with the NTFS file system. Since that partition was small, I made an image backup of it with the dd utility.

root@sysrescd /root % ntfsclone --save-image --output /mnt/backup/recovery.ntfsclone /dev/sda2
ntfsclone v2014.2.15 (libntfs-3g)
NTFS volume version: 3.1
Cluster size       : 4096 bytes
Current volume size: 15902699520 bytes (15903 MB)
Current device size: 15902703616 bytes (15903 MB)
Scanning volume ...
100.00 percent completed
Accounting clusters ...
Space in use       : 9514 MB (59.8%)   
Saving NTFS to image ...
100.00 percent completed
Syncing ...
root@sysrescd /root % dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/mnt/backup/diag.img
80262+0 records in
80262+0 records out
41094144 bytes (41 MB) copied, 2.59411 s, 15.8 MB/s
root@sysrescd /root %

The SystemRescueCD will start an SSH server service when it boots, which you can see by using the netstat -a command, but you will need to assign a password to the root account before you can establish an SSH connection to the system, which you can do by issuing the command passwd from a Terminal window.

root@sysrescd /root % passwd root
Changing password for root
Enter the new password (minimum of 5 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password: 
Re-enter new password: 
passwd: password changed.

I checked the IP address the system had received via DHCP from a Terminal window with ifconfig -a. The IP address will be in a line starting with inet. I was then able to establish an SSH connection to that IP address from another system. With an SSH connection you can remotely run backup operations and reboot the system remotely when they have completed.

If you would like to take screen shots, the xwd utility is in /usr/bin. You can find information on the command by typing man xwd at a shell prompt. To store a screen shot to a file use the command xwd -out outfile, where outfile is the name of the output file. I was able to capture a screenshot of the GParted window displaying the partition information by using the command xwd -out screenshot.xwd. When I hit Enter after typing the command, the mouse pointer changed to a crosshair, i.e., "+". I was then able to click on the relevant window for which I wanted a screenshot and the file was saved to disk. You will, of course, need to save the file somewhere it can be retrieved after rebooting or, if you can ssh into the system, you can use scp to copy the file from the system running the SystemRescueCd software.

 scp root@ .
screenshot.xwd                                100% 1517KB   1.5MB/s   00:00

You will need some utility, such as the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) that understands the format used by xwd for its output files to view the screenshot and, if you wish, convert it to another format, such as JPG or PNG. Another alternative is to upload the image to Convert image to PNG to have the image converted for you for free. You can simply upload the file and click on the convert file button. The file will be automatically converted and a PNG file created for you to download.

You can reboot the system remotely with the reboot command, but if you do, if the system is configured to attempt to boot from the CD/DVD drive fist, it will simply reboot from the SystemRescueCd again with the SystemRescueCd default boot options.


  1. Transfer Windows to New Hard Disk using ntfsclone
    Edoceo - Business - Technology - Engineering
  2. Sysresccd-manual-en Network - SystemRescueCd
  3. Drive and partition backups with dd By: Vincent Danen in Linux and Open Source
    Date: August 30, 2010
  4. Disk cloning
    archlinux wiki


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