Passwords Plus CS Registry Entries

I installed the 2.001 version of the Dataviz Passwords Plus program on a Windows 7 system today. The software provides one the capability to manage passwords through an encrypted, password-protected database. The version of the software for a Windows system is free, but there is a $9.99 cost for a version you can use on an iPhone to synchronize your passwords between a PC and your iPhone.

This version, which is called Passwords Plus CS, has a "cloud sync" feature that will allow you to synchronize its database between multiple systems using a third-party server. However, if you wish to share the database between multiple systems on a LAN using a shared folder on one of your own systems, you can do so by editing registry keys on each of the systems that will access the shared folder after setting up Passwords Plus on each of those systems.

When you install Passwords Plus CS on a system, registry keys are created under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DataViz\PasswordsPlusCS for the user account under which you will be using Passwords Plus.

Passwords Plus 2.001 registry entries

You can change the value for DaggerFolder to point to a shared network location where you will store Passwords Plus databases. The default location when you install the software is C:\Users\account_name\Documents\Passwords Plus CS, where account_name is the account from which you are running the program. If, I instead wanted to store the passwords on a shared folder on a system named PC1 with a shared folder named Shared within a directory called Passwords, I could put the network location \\PC1\Shared\Passwords in the DaggerFolder field.

You will also find a HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DataViz\PasswordsPlusCS\Users registry key. Beneath that you will find a list of "users", i.e., individual databases, if you create more than one Passwords Plus database. The one that is put there by default is named default.

Passwords Plus 2.001 default user 
registry entries

If you have an existing database on a shared network folder, such as a database from a prior 1.x version of Passwords Plus, you can rename the default key under users to the name associated with that database and then change the value of DBPath to point to the relevant password database file. The default value is C:\Users\account_name\Documents\Passwords Plus CS\defaultPassPlusDB.PDB, where account_name is the account name under which you are logged into the Windows system and running Passwords Plus. You can change the value using the Windows registry editor, e.g. it could be changed to \\PC1\shared\Passwords\JDoe\PassPlusDB.PDB, if the database was located on a system named PC1 with a shared folder named shared and the directory Passwords\JDoe holding the Passwords Plus database named PassPlusDB.PDB. If you want to change the name under Users in the registry from default to something else, simply right-click on Users and choose Rename. Note: if you put in an incorrect value for DBPath, when you put in the password to access the password database, the program will indicate you've entered an incorrect password rather than telling you the path is wrong.

If you want to be able to have multiple Passwords Plus databases, ensure Passwords Plus is not running, then right-click on the default key or whatever you've changed the name to in the left-hand pane of the registry window, and choose Export. Save the registry file, which you can name default.reg, jdoe.reg or whatever you like. Then edit the file with an editor, such as Windows Notepad. Change any reference to the username of the first database to whatever name you wish to associate with the new database, then save the registry file. A Registry Editor window will open warning you that "Adding information can unintentionally change or delete values and cause components to stop working correctly." Answer "yes" to the "Are you sure you want to continue?" question.

When you then open Passwords Plus you will be prompted to select a user name and provide a password associated with the database for that user name rather than simply be prompted to enter a password. If a database from a 1.x version is opened, be patient the first time you open it as it may take a minute to convert it to the new format. Once you convert the database to the new format, you will not be able to open the database with Passwords Plus 1.x; it will crash when it starts and attempts to open the file.


  1. Passwords Plus Registry Keys for Databases
    Date: November 22, 2009
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