Changing the line spacing in Publisher 2013

To change the spacing between lines in Microsoft Publisher 2013, take the following steps:
  1. Click on Home at the top, left side of the Publisher window.

    Microsoft Publisher 2013 - Home

  2. Highlight the the text for which you wish to change the line spacing by clicking on the start of it and dragging the mouse pointer to the end of it.
  3. Click on the diagonally pointing arrow at the lower, right-hand corner of the Paragraph block as shown below.

    Microsoft Publisher 2013 - Paragraph arrow

  4. In the Paragraph options window, change the "between lines" value for line spacing.

    Paragraph Options

  5. Click on OK.

If, instead, you want to make a permanent change to the default setting for line spacing that Publisher 2013 uses, rather than just the line spacing for one block of text, take the following steps:

  1. Click on Home as above.
  2. Select text as above.
  3. Click on Styles

    Publisher Styles

  4. In the styles listing, right click on Normal.

    Style listing

  5. From the Modify Style window, click on Paragraph

    Publisher 2013 - Modify Style

  6. Change the between lines value as above.


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