Installing RTF Converter 1.1

To install rtf-converter 1.1, you can take these steps:
  1. Extract the files from the archive.

    tar -xvzf rtf-converter_1.1.tar.gz

  2. Set your current working directory to the directory where you extracted the rtf-converter files.

    cd rtf

  3. Compile the program.


  4. Place the rtf-converter program in whichever directory you prefer, e.g. /bin, /usr/local/bin, etc. I prefer /usr/local/bin.

    cp rtf-converter /usr/local/bin/.

  5. You can now delete all of the files extracted from the .tar.gz file you downloaded and the file you downloaded, if you wish.

    cd ..
    rm -rf rtf
    rm rtf-converter_1.1.tar.gz

To use the program, simply type rtf-converter or /usr/local/bin/rtf-converter, if you didn't put it in a directory included in your PATH.

usage: rtf-converter [ -options ] filename
where -options are:
        -o outputfile