Opening a literature .lit file with Calibre

If you wish to open .lit (literature) files on a Microsoft Windows 10 system, you can do so with Calibre, a free and open-source program for reading and managing e-books. To make Calibre the default application for opening .lit files, right-click on a .lit file from the Windows File Explorer then chose Open with.

How do you want to open this file?

Then click on "More apps".If you don't see Calibre in the list for "How do you want to open this file?", scroll down to the bottom of the list of available applications and click on "Look for another app on this PC" and browse to the location of the calibre.exe program, which should be in the directory in which you installed the software, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Calibre2. Select Calibre to be the application to open .lit files. After you have done so, if you choose Properties after right-clicking on a .lit file you should see "The main calibre progra" for "Opens with":


Calibre set to open .lit files

If you then double-click on a .lit file, it should open in Calibre.


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