Using the Python xlrd module to list the worksheets in a workbook

To view the list of sheets in an Excel spreadsheet, I can use the xlrd module within the Python script below to obtain the list of worksheets within the workbook.


import xlrd as xl

file_name = raw_input("File: ")
workbook = xl.open_workbook(file_name)
print workbook.sheet_names()

If I use the script to display the list of worksheets in a workbook named report.xlsx that has three sheets named alpha, beta, and gamma, I would see the following output:

$ ./
File: report.xlsx
[u'alpha', u'beta', u'gamma']

In the above output, Python displays the letter "u" before each string. The "u" indicates the object is a Unicode string. I can eliminate the "u" before each entry in the sheet list by changing the print statement to the one below:

print [x.encode('ascii') for x in workbook.sheet_names()]

I would then see the following output:

$ ./
File: report.xlsx
['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']

I could eliminate the brackets in the output using the print command below:

print ', '.join(repr(x.encode('ascii')) for x in workbook.sheet_names())

The repr function returns a string containing a printable representation of an object. The string join method returns a string in which the string elements of sequence have been joined by a specified separator, which can be specified before the .join. In this case, I've specified a comma followed by a space as the separator. I could also have placed the separator in a variable as shown below:

str = ', '
print str.join(repr(x.encode('ascii')) for x in workbook.sheet_names())

Or to see only the sheet names without the quotes, I could use the code below:

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import xlrd as xl

file_name = raw_input("File: ")
workbook = xl.open_workbook(file_name)
for x in workbook.sheet_names():
   print x.encode('ascii')

The output would then be as shown below:

$ ./
File: report.xlsx

If I wanted a count of the number of worksheets in the spreadsheet, I could include print "Number of sheets:", len(workbook.sheet_names()) in the sheetlist script. E.g.:

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import xlrd as xl

file_name = raw_input("File: ")
workbook = xl.open_workbook(file_name)
print "Number of sheets:", len(workbook.sheet_names())
for x in workbook.sheet_names():
   print x.encode('ascii')

Or, I could use nsheets instead of determining the the number of items with len. I.e.:

print "Number of sheets:", workbook.nsheets

I would then see the output below:

$ ./
File: report.xlsx
Number of sheets: 3

Related articles:

  1. Using xlrd to extract a column from an Excel spreadsheet
  2. Extracting data from cells in an Excel workbook with Python
  3. Working with Excel files in Python
  4. Python script to extract a column from an Excel spreadsheet
  5. Using Python to extract data from a spreadsheet and put it in a database