Filtering by HTTP Method in Wireshark

If you want to filter packets captured by Wireshark by HTTP request method, i.e, by whether the packet contains a GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, or CONNECT method, you can use the filter http.request.method==request_method where request_method is the particular method in which you are interested. E.g., http.request.method==GET.

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Wireshark HTTP GET Filter

If you want to filter on multiple methods, you can do so using the word "OR" or ||, e.g. http.request.method==GET or http.request.method==POST. If you want to examine just those packets for a specific IP address, e.g.,, you can use a filter such as ip.addr== and http.request.method==GET .

  1. Capturing and filtering data with Wireshark
  2. Filtering on error packets with Wireshark