Differences Between Internet Explorer and Firefox

Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers may treat the same HTML code differently,so you may find your webpages don't display exactly the same way in both browsers. For the examples below, the comparison is being made between Internet Explorer 6.0 and Firefox 1.0


There is a small difference in how the acronym tag is handled. The acronym tag allows you to provide a spelled out version of an acronym in a tag surrounding the acronym. For instance, above, I've used <acronym title="For Your Information">FYI</acronym>. Firefox will display a dotted line beneath "FYI", but Internet Explorer will not, though both will display the meaning of the acronym, i.e. "For Your Information", when you put the cursor over the acronym (see "FYI" in the "Img - Alt attribute" entry below).

Internet ExplorerFirefox

Img - Alt attribute

One minor difference is how the alt attribute is handled for images. This difference doesn't really affect the display of a page, so I'm noting it just as an FYI tidbit. Internet Explorer will display the text associated with the alt attribute when the user moves the mouse over the image. Firefox will not. The alt attribute was intended to provide information to non-graphical browsers, i.e. text-only browsers such as Lynx regarding the image. In such browsers the alt text will be displayed in place of the image and, if the image is clickable, the text will be clickable as well, allowing users of text-only browsers to still use links you've placed in your webpage attached to images.

For instance with the image of a butterfly in a garden shown here, Green Butterfly Internet Explorer will display "Green Butterfly" when you move the cursor over the image, Firefox will not. The image was inserted in the page with <img src="green_butterfly.gif" alt="Green Butterfly"> The images below show how Internet Explorer shows the text, but Firefox does not when the cursor is placed on the image.

Internet ExplorerFirefox

TR - Bordercolor

If you use bodercolor for a table row, e.g. <tr bordercolor="blue" >, Internet Explorer will use the color you've picked for the bordercolor while Firefox doesn't recognize it as a valid option for tr . For instance, I wanted to create a table that looked similar to a Norton AntiVirus alert. I used the following code in a table to hide the the border around the second row and borders between "Object Name" and its value, "Virus Name" and its value, and "Action Taken" and its value. Since I had picked a background color of white for the table and made the border color for those rows white, I hoped to make the borders for cells on those rows invisible. That is what occurred with Internet Explorer, but not with Firefox. The table and the HTML for it are shown below.

Norton AntiVirus
Virus Alert
Object NameC:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll
Virus NameW32.Desktophijack
Action TakenUnable to repair this file.

<table summary="Norton AntiVirus 2005 W32.Desktopjijack Alert" border="3"
bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="5">

<tr bgcolor="blue">
<td colspan="2"><font color="white">Norton AntiVirus</font></td>

<tr bordercolor="white">
<td colspan="2"> </td>

<tr bgcolor="#FF0066">
<td colspan="2"><b><big>Virus Alert</big></td>

<tr bordercolor="white">
<td><b>Object Name</b></td>

<tr bordercolor="white">
<td><b>Virus Name</b></td>

<tr bordercolor="white">
<td><b>Action Taken</b>
</td><td>Unable to repair this file.</td>


Images of the differences are shown below.

Internet ExplorerFirefox

Table - background-color

If you put quotation marks around a background color in a style setting for a table, you will see the background color for the table as you expect in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. Firefox will use the default color. I have the following style statement in the head section of the html code


I then create a small table with the code below.

<table summary="Test table" border="1" class="graytable">
<tr><td>Row 1</td><td>Value 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 2</td><td>Value 2</td></tr>

Row 1Value 1
Row 2Value 2

If you are viewing this page in Internet Explorer, the table above will have a gray background, but if you are viewing it in Firefox, it will have the default background. If I remove the double quotes from around #CCCCCC in the style statement, then both will display a gray background for the table.

If I use bgcolor in the code as below, instead of class="graytable" both show the table with a gray background.

<table summary="Test table" border="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td>Row 1</td><td>Value 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 2</td><td>Value 2</td></tr>

Row 1Value 1
Row 2Value 2