Though when I chose to restore the session above, the tab with a label beginning with "Error: Unknown Host" didn't reopen. That error message occurred when I attempted to refresh the page at a time when the system had lost network connectivity.
You can manually save a session, by clicking on File on the menu bar, then selecting Sessions, then Save As.... You will then be prompted to provide a name for the session. You can reopen a saved session by selecting File then Sessions from the menu bar and then selecting from one of the saved sessions you will see listed. If you have previously saved one or more sessions, you will see them listed under the Save As... and Manage... options as in the example below where I have two saved sessions. For both instances, I gave the sessions names matching the date on which I saved the session.
You can also open, rename, or delete an existing session by selecting the Manage... option.
You can click on a session name to select it and then choose Open to restore the session or Delete or Rename.
When you manually save a session, on a Linux system the information is
stored beneath the .kde/share/apps/konqueror/session
in a user's
home directory. E.g., on a CentOS 7 system, I saved a session I named "2016-07-30"
for the day I saved the session, so I see a directory by that name
in that location.
$ ls ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/sessions 2016-07-30 $
Within that directory I saw the following file:
$ ls ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/sessions/2016-07-30 _1.81 $
That file is an ASCII text file.
$ file _1.81 _1.81: Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with very long lines, with LF, NEL line terminators $
If you want to determine the number of windows that were open in the session without restoring the session, you can look for the "Number of Windows" line in the file. E.g., for another session where the file name for the stored session was _1.692, I see the following:
$ grep "Number of Windows" 2016-08-05/_1.692
Number of Windows=2
Each window that was open when the session was saved has a section that begins with "Windown" where n is the number of the window. The first window is Window0.
$ grep "\[Window[0-9]*\]" 2016-08-05/_1.692_1.692
The session file will contain lines like the following ones:
$ more _1.767 [General] Number of Windows=1 [Window0] FullScreen=false Height 768=504 HistoryItemViewT0_0LocationBarURL=/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html HistoryItemViewT0_0StrServiceName=khtml HistoryItemViewT0_0StrServiceType=text/html HistoryItemViewT0_0Title=Welcome to CentOS HistoryItemViewT0_0Url=file:///usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html HistoryItemViewT0_1Buffer=\x00\x00\x00]file:///home/johnsmith/public_html/food/r ecipes/shore_update/asparagus-strawberry-salad.html\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x03b\x00\x00\x01�������������\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02������ ��\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00d\x00\x00\x00d������������\x00�������������������� ����������������\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 HistoryItemViewT0_1DoPost=false HistoryItemViewT0_1LocationBarURL=/home/johnsmith/public_html/food/recipes/shore _update/asparagus-strawberry-salad.html HistoryItemViewT0_1PageReferrer= HistoryItemViewT0_1PageSecurity=0 HistoryItemViewT0_1PostContentType= --More--(2%)
The instances of a backslash followed by an "x" and then some digits
hexadecimal representations of characters. E.g. \x00
represents the null character.
The above lines were from a saved session with one window with 3 tabs
open and another window with one tab. For the first tab, which has a "T0"
in "HistoryItemView" lines, when Konqueror was opened it opened the
default web page, which was the file stored at
. I then opened the
file. The "HistoryItemView"
entries for a tab are in the form "HistoryItemViewTn where n
is the number of the tab. I can see the history of the URLs visited for each
tab by searching the file for lines containing "LocationBarURL=".
$ grep "LocationBarURL=" _1.767 HistoryItemViewT0_0LocationBarURL=/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html HistoryItemViewT0_1LocationBarURL=/home/johnsmith/public_html/food/recipes/shor e_update/asparagus-strawberry-salad.html HistoryItemViewT1_0LocationBarURL= HistoryItemViewT1_1LocationBarURL= HistoryItemViewT1_2LocationBarURL= HistoryItemViewT2_0LocationBarURL= HistoryItemViewT2_1LocationBarURL= HistoryItemViewT2_2LocationBarURL= iw=&bih=&q=centos+network+connection+not+restarting+when+system+reboots&gbv=1&oq =centos+network+connection+not+restarting+when+system+reboots&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3 ...16471.16471.0.17542. .BDFfXv9G3d8 HistoryItemViewT2_3LocationBarURL= -6-5-not-bringing-up-network-interface-automatically-after-reboot-ifup-et HistoryItemViewT2_4LocationBarURL= $
The T0 entries correspond to the first tab opened when Konqueror opened.
They show that an index.html
file was opened and then the file
was opened in the same tab. The
T1 entries correspond to the next tab opened. I clicked on the new tab
button to open that tab, so the T1_0 entry is blank. I then visited in that tab and from there visited the Wikipedia
page for HTTP error codes. I opened the T2 tab by clicking on the new tab
button, so its first entry T2_0 also has no URL listed for the location bar
URL. But then I went to and performed a search for
centos network connection not restarting when system reboots
, which
is shown in T2_2. I then clicked on one of the links returned, which is shown
in T2_3. I then cicked on another link on that page, which took me to
If I only wanted to see a list of all the URLs visited regardless of which tab they were in, I could pipe the output of the grep command into the cut command as shown below:
$ grep --only-matching "LocationBarURL=.*" _1.767 | cut -d"=" -f2 /usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html /home/johnsmith/public_html/food/recipes/shore_update/asparagus-strawberry-salad.html
Note: the session file will even contain entries for tabs closed since Konqueror was opened.
The third tab that I opened was the one that shows the
URL. There are five URLs for that tab. The first one was blank when I opened
the new tab, followed by and then through But, after I visited the last URL for that
tab, I backed up to the prior URL using the back button in the browser, so the one wasn't the open one in that tab when I
saved the session. You can determine which URL is the currently visible one
even if you've moved backwards in the tab to previous URLs by searching on
. The "^" indicates that what follows should occur
at the beginning of a line, so I'm searching for any line that begins with
"ViewT" followed by any number from 0 to 9.
$ grep "^ViewT[0-9]" _1.767 ViewT0_CurrentHistoryItem=1 ViewT0_LinkedView=false ViewT0_LockedLocation=false ViewT0_NumberOfHistoryItems=2 ViewT0_PassiveMode=false ViewT0_ServiceName=khtml ViewT0_ServiceType=text/html ViewT0_ToggleView=false ViewT1_CurrentHistoryItem=2 ViewT1_LinkedView=false ViewT1_LockedLocation=false ViewT1_NumberOfHistoryItems=3 ViewT1_PassiveMode=false ViewT1_ServiceName=khtml ViewT1_ServiceType=text/html ViewT1_ToggleView=false ViewT2_CurrentHistoryItem=3 ViewT2_LinkedView=false ViewT2_LockedLocation=false ViewT2_NumberOfHistoryItems=5 ViewT2_PassiveMode=false ViewT2_ServiceName=khtml ViewT2_ServiceType=text/html ViewT2_ToggleView=false $
For the T1 entries, which was the third tab I opened (they are numbered starting at 0), "ViewT2_NumberOfHistoryItems=5" indicates that 5 URLs were visited in that tab. But the current one is indicated by "ViewT2_CurrentHistoryItem=3". Since the 5 URLs are numbered from 0 to 4, that is the next to last one visited in that tab.