Creating a button with CSS

Learning CSS 1 px
You can use images as clickable buttons on a webpage, but you can also use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to create buttons. E.g., suppose I want to have a download button on a webpage that someone will click on to download a file. I can put the following code in the head section of the webpage to create the button or linked to a file containing the code.
<style type="text/css">
.downloadbutton {
  width: 67px;
  height: 20px;
  background-color: #31B404;
  border-radius: 15px;
  border: 3px solid #009900;
  padding: 5px;
.downloadbutton A:link {color: white; text-decoration:none}

To place the button on the page, I can use the following

<p class="downloadbutton"><a href="css-cheat-sheet-v2.pdf">Download</a></p>


CSS Cheat Sheet V2
Source: Dave Child at AddedBytes
Released under a Creative Commons License


The width and height of the button are controlled by the width and height values, e.g. width: 67px and height: 20px in this case, which sets the size in pixels. The green background for the button is set with background-color: #31B404. You can find color code values at HTML Color Codes. You can set a border around the button with border , e.g. border: 3px solid #009900, which sets a solid border 3 pixels in width in a darker shade of green. The padding value sets the padding space between the text and the edge of the button.

If you wish the button to have rounded corners, include a border-radius value. Details on how the value controls the rounding can be found at border-radius. If you wish the button to look rectangular without the rounded borders, omit the border-radius line.

Since the text, which is the clickable element in the button, is a hyperlink, you can control how it looks with CSS, also. If you don't want the text you are using on the button to be underlined, use text-decoration-none. You can have the text be white and with no underline with the following code:

.downloadbutton A:link {color: white; text-decoration:none;}

If you wanted to keep the text color as white, even after someone clicks on the link, you could also add the following:

.downloadbutton A:visited {color: white; text-decoration:none;}


  1. Making Rounded Corner Buttons Without Images
    By: Michael Rohde


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Created: Friday January 2, 2015