Changing Default Application to Open a File under OS X

On a MacBook Pro laptop running OS X 10.8.5 the default application for opening .xlsm spreadsheet files was OpenOffice. You can see the default application that will be used to open a particular file type by right-clicking on a file with the extension you are interested in, i.e., .xlsm files in this example, and then selecting "Open With".

Open with OpenOffice (default)

One of the options for opening the file was Microsoft Excel, but I wanted it to be the default app for opening the file and it was not. The following process will work for changing the default program with which files of a particular type will be opened.

  1. Right-click on the file in the Finder.
  2. Select Get Info.
    Generic Category (English)120x600

    Get Info .xlsm

  3. Click on the triangle to the left of "Open with", then select the application you wish to use to open files of that kind. E.g., in this case the .xlsm files are of kind "Office Open XML spreadsheet (macros enabled)".

    Get Info .xlsm

  4. Click on the Change All.. button.
  5. When asked to confirm that you want to change all similar documents to open with the application click on the Continue button.

    Confirm change

When you then double-click on that type of file, it will open with the application you selected.


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Created: Friday December 18, 2015