Obtaining a list of fonts on a Mac OS X system

You can obtain a list of the fonts on a Mac OS X system using the system_profiler command system_profiler SPFontsDataTye. A large amount of information will be displayed for each font, so you may want to capture the output in a file, e.g. fontslist.txt.
$ system_profiler SPFontsDataType > fontslist.txt

If you want the output in XML format, you can include the -xml option, e.g. system_profiler -xml SPFontsDataType > fontslist.xml.

As an example of the amount of information that you will be provided for a font, the information displayed for the Arial font is shown below:

Arial Narrow.ttf:

  Kind: TrueType
  Valid: Yes
  Enabled: Yes
  Location: /Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow.ttf
      Full Name: Arial Narrow
      Family: Arial Narrow
      Style: Regular
      Version: Version 2.38.1x
      Vendor: The Monotype Corporation
      Unique Name: Arial Narrow Regular : 2007
      Designer: Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders
      Copyright: © 2007 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
      Trademark: Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
      Description: Monotype Drawing Office 1982. A contemporary sans serif design, Arial contains more humanist characteristics than many of its predecessors and as such is more in tune with the mood of the last decades of the twentieth century. The overall treatment of curves is softer and fuller than in most industrial-style sans serif faces. Terminal strokes are cut on the diagonal which helps to give the face a less mechanical appearance. Arial is an extremely versatile family of typefaces which can be used with equal success for text setting in reports, presentations, magazines etc, and for display use in newspapers, advertising and promotions.
      Outline: Yes
      Valid: Yes
      Enabled: Yes
      Duplicate: No
      Copy Protected: No
      Embeddable: Yes

If you just want the font names, you can use system_profiler SPFontsDataType | grep "Full Name:"| cut -d":" -f2 | cut -c 2- as shown below:

Generic Category (English)120x600

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$ system_profiler SPFontsDataType | grep "Full Name:"| cut -d":" -f2 | cut -c 2-
Arial Narrow
PT Mono
PT Mono Bold
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
Plantagenet Cherokee
PT Sans Narrow Bold
PT Sans Caption Bold
PT Sans
PT Sans Caption
PT Sans Narrow
PT Sans Italic
PT Sans Bold Italic
PT Sans Bold
Lantinghei SC Extralight
Lantinghei TC Demibold
Lantinghei SC Demibold
Lantinghei TC Extralight
Lantinghei TC Heavy
Lantinghei SC Heavy
Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy
Palatino Linotype
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Kannada Sangam MN Bold
Kannada Sangam MN
Arial Bold Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Times Roman
Times Italic
Times Bold
Times Bold Italic
HanziPen TC Regular
HanziPen TC Bold
HanziPen SC Regular
HanziPen SC Bold
MS PMincho
Khmer MN
Khmer MN Bold
Baghdad Regular
.Baghdad PUA
Rockwell Extra Bold
Monotype Corsiva
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Italic
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Marion Regular
Marion Italic
Marion Bold
HeadLineA Regular
Helvetica Neue Medium
Helvetica Neue Light Italic
Helvetica Neue Condensed Black
Helvetica Neue Light
Helvetica Neue UltraLight
Helvetica Neue Thin Italic
Helvetica Neue Bold Italic
Helvetica Neue Italic
Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic
Helvetica Neue Bold
Helvetica Neue Thin
Helvetica Neue
Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold
Helvetica Neue Medium Italic
Eurostile Bold
LiSong Pro
Euphemia UCAS Bold
Euphemia UCAS Italic
Euphemia UCAS
Tw Cen MT Bold
Meiryo Bold
Cambria Bold
Kannada MN Bold
Kannada MN
Wawati SC Regular
Futura Medium Italic
Futura Condensed ExtraBold
Futura Medium
Futura Condensed Medium
Goudy Old Style Bold
Goudy Old Style Italic
Goudy Old Style
Lucida Bright Demibold
Lucida Bright Demibold Italic
Lucida Bright
Lucida Bright Italic
Abadi MT Condensed Light
Gurmukhi MN
Gurmukhi MN Bold
Tw Cen MT Bold Italic
Lucida Grande Bold
Lucida Grande
.Lucida Grande UI Regular
.Lucida Grande UI Bold
Arial Narrow Italic
Trebuchet MS Bold
Telugu Sangam MN Bold
Telugu Sangam MN
Corbel Bold Italic
Courier New
Papyrus Condensed
Book Antiqua Bold
Book Antiqua Bold Italic
Book Antiqua Italic
Book Antiqua
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold
Lao MN
Lao MN Bold
PilGi Regular
Britannic Bold
Gurmukhi MT
Baskerville Old Face
Gill Sans Bold
Gill Sans Bold Italic
Gill Sans Light Italic
Gill Sans SemiBold Italic
Gill Sans Italic
Gill Sans Light
Gill Sans
Gill Sans UltraBold
Gill Sans SemiBold
Consolas Bold Italic
Matura MT Script Capitals
Lao Sangam MN
Yuanti SC Regular
Yuanti SC Bold
Yuanti SC Light
Weibei TC Bold
Edwardian Script ITC
Myanmar Sangam MN
Candara Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Medium Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Heavy
Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold
Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Regular
Avenir Next Condensed Medium
Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light
Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Heavy Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Bold
Avenir Next Condensed Italic
Avenir Next Condensed Bold Italic
Kailasa Regular
Mshtakan Oblique
Colonna MT
Helvetica Light Oblique
Helvetica Light
Helvetica Bold Oblique
Helvetica Bold
Helvetica Oblique
Sana Regular
.Sana PUA
Bell MT Bold
Bell MT
Bell MT Italic
Perpetua Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic
Arial Rounded MT Bold
Copperplate Light
Copperplate Bold
Verdana Bold Italic
Candara Bold
Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold
Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique
Devanagari Sangam MN Bold
Devanagari Sangam MN
Constantia Bold
Heiti SC Light
Heiti TC Light
Waseem Light
Waseem Regular
PT Serif Caption Italic
PT Serif Caption
Apple SD Gothic Neo SemiBold
Bradley Hand Bold
Farisi Regular
Lucida Sans Italic
Lucida Sans Regular
Lucida Sans Demibold Roman
Lucida Sans Demibold Italic
Tw Cen MT
Lucida Handwriting Italic
Snell Roundhand Black
Snell Roundhand
Snell Roundhand Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
.Aqua Kana
.Aqua Kana Bold
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8
Gill Sans MT Bold Italic
Mishafi Gold Regular
Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold
Gurmukhi Sangam MN
Bookshelf Symbol 7
Phosphate Inline
Phosphate Solid
Arial Black
Corbel Italic
Microsoft Yi Baiti
Sinhala Sangam MN Bold
Sinhala Sangam MN
Century Gothic Italic
Century Gothic Bold
Century Gothic Bold Italic
Century Gothic
Georgia Bold Italic
Microsoft Tai Le Bold
Al Tarikh Regular
.Al Tarikh PUA
MS Gothic
Libian SC Regular
Malayalam Sangam MN Bold
Malayalam Sangam MN
Arial Bold
Nanum Brush Script
Nanum Pen Script
KufiStandardGK Regular
.KufiStandardGK PUA
Gill Sans MT
News Gothic MT Bold
News Gothic MT Italic
News Gothic MT
Sukhumvit Set Light
Sukhumvit Set Thin
Sukhumvit Set Medium
Sukhumvit Set Semi Bold
Sukhumvit Set Text
Sukhumvit Set Bold
GB18030 Bitmap
Comic Sans MS Bold
LiHei Pro
Athelas Bold
Athelas Bold Italic
Athelas Italic
Athelas Regular
Constantia Bold Italic
.HeitiUI GB18030PUA Thin
.HeitiUI J Thin
.HeitiUI K Thin
.HeitiUI SC Thin
.HeitiUI TC Thin
Copperplate Gothic Bold
Mshtakan Bold
Al Bayan Plain
Al Bayan Bold
.Al Bayan PUA Plain
.Al Bayan PUA Bold
Andale Mono
Tamil Sangam MN
Tamil Sangam MN Bold
System Font Regular
System Font Medium P4
System Font Light
System Font UltraLight
System Font Italic
System Font Medium Italic P4
System Font Bold
System Font Heavy
System Font Bold Italic
System Font Thin
Microsoft Tai Le
Franklin Gothic Book
Malayalam MN Bold
Malayalam MN
Superclarendon Italic
Superclarendon Regular
Superclarendon Light Italic
Superclarendon Bold
Superclarendon Black Italic
Superclarendon Light
Superclarendon Black
Superclarendon Bold Italic
Zapf Dingbats
Gill Sans MT Italic
Kohinoor Devanagari Book
Kohinoor Devanagari Light
Kohinoor Devanagari Bold
Kohinoor Devanagari Medium
Kohinoor Devanagari Demi
Apple Color Emoji
AppleGothic Regular
Tw Cen MT Italic
Avenir Next Heavy
Avenir Next Demi Bold
Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic
Avenir Next Italic
Avenir Next Medium Italic
Avenir Next Bold
Avenir Next Heavy Italic
Avenir Next Ultra Light Italic
Avenir Next Ultra Light
Avenir Next Bold Italic
Avenir Next Regular
Avenir Next Medium
Franklin Gothic Book Italic
Apple Chancery
Cooper Black
Arial Rounded MT Bold
Geeza Pro Bold
Geeza Pro Regular
.Geeza Pro Interface Regular
.Geeza Pro Interface Light
.Geeza Pro Interface Bold
.Geeza PUA
.Geeza PUA Bold
Yuppy SC Regular
Courier New Bold
Apple SD Gothic Neo Regular
DIN Alternate Bold
Diwan Thuluth Regular
Hiragino Sans GB W6
Palatino Linotype Italic
Tamil MN Bold
Tamil MN
Mshtakan BoldOblique
Wide Latin
Corsiva Hebrew
Corsiva Hebrew Bold
Mishafi Regular
Rockwell Italic
Rockwell Bold Italic
Rockwell Bold
YuMincho Demibold
GungSeo Regular
Raanana Bold
Cambria Math
DIN Condensed Bold
Kokonor Regular
Trebuchet MS
PCMyungjo Regular
Beirut Regular
.Beirut PUA
Calisto MT Bold Italic
Calisto MT Italic
Calisto MT
Calisto MT Bold
Bangla MN Bold
Bangla MN
Hiragino Mincho ProN W3
Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4
Apple Symbols
Chalkboard SE Bold
Chalkboard SE Regular
Chalkboard SE Light
Times New Roman Bold
Copperplate Gothic Light
Georgia Italic
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Apple SD GothicNeo ExtraBold
Big Caslon Medium
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6
Weibei SC Bold
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Bookman Old Style Italic
Bookman Old Style Bold
Bookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookman Old Style
Meiryo Bold Italic
.Hiragino Kaku Gothic Interface W1
Arial Italic
Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4
American Typewriter Bold
American Typewriter Light
American Typewriter Condensed Light
American Typewriter Condensed Bold
American Typewriter
American Typewriter Condensed
Perpetua Titling MT Bold
Perpetua Titling MT Light
.Hiragino Kaku Gothic Interface W2
Lucida Fax Demibold
Lucida Fax Demibold Italic
Lucida Fax Italic
Lucida Fax Regular
Arial Hebrew Scholar Light
Arial Hebrew Scholar Bold
Arial Hebrew
Arial Hebrew Scholar
Arial Hebrew Light
Arial Hebrew Bold
.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface
.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface Light
.Arial Hebrew Desk Interface Bold
Baoli SC Regular
Arial Narrow Bold Italic
Farah Regular
.Farah PUA
Comic Sans MS
Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W6
Wingdings 3
Arial Narrow Bold
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS Bold
Shree Devanagari 714
Shree Devanagari 714 Bold
Shree Devanagari 714 Italic
Shree Devanagari 714 Bold Italic
Seravek Light
Seravek ExtraLight
Seravek Bold Italic
Seravek Light Italic
Seravek ExtraLight Italic
Seravek Bold
Seravek Medium
Seravek Italic
Seravek Medium Italic
Lucida Calligraphy Italic
Bodoni 72 Book Italic
Bodoni 72 Bold
Bodoni 72 Book
Consolas Bold
YuGothic Medium
Curlz MT
Didot Italic
Didot Bold
Bangla Sangam MN
Bangla Sangam MN Bold
Verdana Bold
Songti TC Bold
Songti TC Regular
Songti TC Light
Songti SC Light
Songti SC Regular
Songti SC Black
Songti SC Bold
Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold
Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic
Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book
.HeitiUI GB18030PUA Ultra Light
.HeitiUI J Ultra Light
.HeitiUI K Ultra Light
.HeitiUI SC Ultra Light
.HeitiUI TC Ultra Light
Muna Bold
Muna Regular
Muna Black
.Muna PUA
.Muna PUA Bold
.Muna PUA Black
Tahoma Negreta
Bodoni Ornaments
Meiryo Italic
Engravers MT Bold
Engravers MT
Hiragino Sans GB W3
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
MS Reference Specialty
Apple SD Gothic Neo Bold
Charter Black Italic
Charter Bold Italic
Charter Bold
Charter Black
Charter Roman
Charter Italic
ITF Devanagari Light
ITF Devanagari Demi
ITF Devanagari Medium
ITF Devanagari Book
ITF Devanagari Bold
Hoefler Text Italic
Hoefler Text Black
Hoefler Text
Hoefler Text Black Italic
Hannotate TC Regular
Hannotate TC Bold
Hannotate SC Regular
Hannotate SC Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Al Nile Bold
Al Nile
.Al Nile PUA
.Al Nile PUA Bold
Apple SD Gothic Neo Light
AppleMyungjo Regular
NanumMyeongjo ExtraBold
NanumMyeongjo Bold
Diwan Kufi Regular
.Diwan Kufi PUA
Kefa Regular
Kefa Bold
DecoType Naskh Regular
.DecoType Naskh PUA
Baskerville SemiBold
Baskerville Bold Italic
Baskerville Bold
Baskerville SemiBold Italic
Baskerville Italic
Sinhala MN Bold
Sinhala MN
MS PGothic
Kaiti SC Black
Kaiti TC Bold
Kaiti SC Bold
Kaiti TC Regular
Kaiti SC Regular
Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3
Kino MT
Apple SD Gothic Neo UltraLight
Tahoma Bold
Bernard MT Condensed
Georgia Italic
Hiragino Mincho Pro W3
Hiragino Mincho Pro W6
Skia Light Extended
Skia Black
Skia Black Extended
Skia Light
Skia Extended
Skia Light Condensed
Skia Condensed
Skia Bold
Skia Black Condensed
Skia Regular
Lucida Console
MS Mincho
Perpetua Bold
Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3
Avenir Black Oblique
Avenir Heavy
Avenir Oblique
Avenir Book
Avenir Light
Avenir Medium Oblique
Avenir Heavy Oblique
Avenir Book Oblique
Avenir Light Oblique
Avenir Black
Avenir Roman
Avenir Medium
Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot
Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot
Brush Script MT Italic
Corbel Bold
Candara Bold Italic
Apple Braille
Times New Roman
Courier Bold
Courier Bold Oblique
Courier Oblique
Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin
Palatino Linotype Bold
Gujarati MT Bold
Menlo Regular
Menlo Italic
Menlo Bold Italic
Menlo Bold
Khmer Sangam MN
Garamond Italic
Garamond Bold
Gujarati MT
Oriya MN
Oriya MN Bold
Devanagari MT
Devanagari MT Bold
YuMincho Medium
Footlight MT Light
Hoefler Text Ornaments
Georgia Bold
Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot
Cambria Bold Italic
Palatino Italic
Palatino Bold
Palatino Bold Italic
Lucida Blackletter
Mongolian Baiti
Calibri Bold Italic
Noteworthy Light
Noteworthy Bold
Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book
NanumGothic Bold
NanumGothic ExtraBold
Century Schoolbook Italic
Century Schoolbook Bold
Century Schoolbook
Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
Consolas Italic
Calibri Bold
Nadeem Regular
.Nadeem PUA
Chalkboard Bold
Oriya Sangam MN
Oriya Sangam MN Bold
Franklin Gothic Medium
Calibri Light
Gill Sans Ultra Bold
Verdana Italic
Gill Sans MT Bold
Heiti TC Medium
Heiti SC Medium
Arial Narrow
Arial Narrow Italic
Arial Narrow Bold
Arial Narrow Bold Italic
MS Reference Sans Serif
Cambria Italic
New Peninim MT Bold
New Peninim MT Inclined
New Peninim MT
New Peninim MT Bold Inclined
Yuppy TC Regular
YuGothic Bold
Telugu MN
Telugu MN Bold
Marker Felt Wide
Marker Felt Thin
Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot
Wingdings 2
Wawati TC Regular
Hiragino Mincho ProN W6
Perpetua Bold Italic
Monotype Sorts
Thonburi Light
Thonburi Bold
Bauhaus 93
Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium
Myanmar MN
Myanmar MN Bold
Calibri Italic
PT Serif Bold Italic
PT Serif Bold
PT Serif
PT Serif Italic
Cochin Italic
Cochin Bold
Cochin Bold Italic
Iowan Old Style Titling
Iowan Old Style Black Italic
Iowan Old Style Italic
Iowan Old Style Bold Italic
Iowan Old Style Black
Iowan Old Style Roman
Iowan Old Style Bold
Optima Regular
Optima Bold
Optima Bold Italic
Optima Italic
Optima ExtraBlack
Modern No. 20
Imprint MT Shadow
Microsoft Himalaya
Lucida Sans Unicode
Constantia Italic
Arial Black
Xingkai SC Light
Xingkai SC Bold
Gujarati Sangam MN
Gujarati Sangam MN Bold
Andale Mono
MT Extra
Savoye LET Plain
Savoye LET Plain CC.
Courier New Italic
Arial Unicode MS
Damascus Bold
Damascus Light
Damascus Medium
Damascus Semi Bold
Damascus Regular
.Damascus PUA
.Damascus PUA Medium
.Damascus PUA Light
.Damascus PUA Semi Bold
.Damascus PUA Bold
Microsoft Sans Serif

The output from system_profiler SPFontsDataType looks like the following:

$ system_profiler SPFontsDataType | grep "Full Name:"| more
          Full Name: Arial Narrow
          Full Name: PT Mono
          Full Name: PT Mono Bold
          Full Name: Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
          Full Name: Plantagenet Cherokee
          Full Name: PT Sans Narrow Bold
          Full Name: PT Sans Caption Bold
          Full Name: PT Sans
          Full Name: PT Sans Caption
          Full Name: PT Sans Narrow
          Full Name: PT Sans Italic
          Full Name: PT Sans Bold Italic
          Full Name: PT Sans Bold
          Full Name: Lantinghei SC Extralight
          Full Name: Lantinghei TC Demibold

By piping the output of the grep command to the first cut command, cut -d":" -f2 only the characters that appear after the specified delimiter, i.e., the colon are retained. That leaves the space after the colon followed by the font name. The second cut command in grep "Full Name:"| cut -d":" -f2 | cut -c 2- indicates that only the second character and all subsequent characters, which are signified by the dash with no number after it, should be retained. The first character, i.e., the space character, is discarded.

Note: the output in the above examples is from a MacBook Pro laptop running OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) with Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 installed.


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