Looping over a set of files in the Bash shell on Linux or OS X

I have a Python script, filetype.py, that takes a file name as a parameter. I use the script to identify if a file with a .bin extension is actually a Microsoft Visio or PowerPoint file. I run the script on an OS X system from a Terminal window where I have a Bash shell prompt. E.g.:

$ ~/Documents/bin/filetype.py oleObject1.bin
Microsoft Office PowerPoint

But I often want to have it check all of the .bin files in a directory. You can loop through all files in a directory or a set of files using a Bash for loop. E.g., to check all of the .bin files in a directory I could use the for-loop below:

Save on a Computer: Run Windows, Mac, and Linux with VirtualBox
Save on a Computer: Run Windows,
Mac, and Linux with VirtualBox
1x1 px

$ ls *
oleObject1.bin	oleObject3.bin	oleObject5.bin
oleObject2.bin	oleObject4.bin	oleObject6.bin
$ for f in *.bin; do ~/Documents/bin/filetype.py $f; done
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visio
oleObject6.bin: CDF V2 Document, No summary info


I could also have used used an asterisk to represent all files to perform the check. E.g.:

$ for f in *; do ~/Documents/bin/filetype.py $f; done
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visio
oleObject6.bin: CDF V2 Document, No summary info


Also, instead of typing everything on one line by separating the commands with semicolons, I could type them line by line and have the system prompt me for the next one with a greater than sign as shown below:

$ for f in *
> do
> ~/Documents/bin/filetype.py $f
> done
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visio
oleObject6.bin: CDF V2 Document, No summary info


If I had all of the file names stored in a file named files.txt, I could also read in the filenames from that file line by line and process them with while loop. E.g., I could put the file names in files.txt as shown below:


I could then type the following commands to process each file listed in files.txt with a while loop:

$ while read -r file; do ~/Documents/bin/filetype.py "$file"; done < "files.txt"
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visio
oleObject6.bin: CDF V2 Document, No summary info
