tar extraction errors - Cannot utime: Operation not permitted

I needed to copy the contents of one directory belonging to a user from one Linux system to another. While logged into her account on the source system, I created a tar file, aka a "tarball", of the directory with the command tar -cvf game.tar game to copy the contents of her "game" directory and all of its subdirectories to the tar file. The tar file was about 20 MB in size, so I compressed it with the gzip command gzip game.tar resulting in a game.tar.gz file about 5 MB in size, which I transferred to the destination system. While logged into her account on the destination system, I uncompressed the .gz file with gunzip game.tar.gz and then attempted to extract the contents of the tar file into the same directory on the destination system as on the source system. The directory already existed on the destination server because I had many months ago copied everything in her home directory from the source to the destination system. When I ran the command tar -xvf game.tar to extract the contents of the tar file, I saw files extracted, but I also saw several "Cannot open: File exists" lines in the output from the command, which terminated prematurely with the following lines:

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tar: game/Update: Cannot open: File exists
tar: game/FAQ: Cannot open: File exists
tar: game/CONVERT.22: Cannot open: File exists
tar: game/BETA: Cannot open: File exists
tar: game: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

I thought I could just add the --overwrite option to the tar command, so then tried tar -xvf game.tar --overwrite. I saw the following line in the output:

tar: game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h: Cannot open: Permission denied

I didn't see the "Cannot open: File exits" messages that I had previously seen, but the command still terminated prematurely with the following lines at the end of the output:

tar: game: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

When I checked the ownership of the BETA file, I saw it belonged to the user, but I saw that there was another file in the same directory as the BETA file that belonged to the root account, which probably was the cause of the premature termination of the restoral of the files from the tar archive.

$ ls -l BETA
-rw-r--r-- 1 ann 501 58618 Jun 21  2004 BETA
$ ls -l | grep -v ann
total 1172
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Oct  4  2014 media

Since there was no reason why the root account needed to retain ownership of that file, I changed the ownership and group for the file to the user's account. I had to do that from the root account.

# chown ann media; chgrp ann media

I found that the game directory itself was owned by root, so I changed the ownership and group for it as well.

# chown ann game; chgrp ann game

I then made the working directory the game directory again and checked to see if there were any other files owned by root within it or any of its subdirectories, but there were no others.

# cd game
# find . -user root

I then logged off the root account and went back to the user's account and retried extracting files from the tar file again with tar -xvf game.tar --overwrite. Again I saw the message below:

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tar: game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h: Cannot open: Permission denied

And the command terminated with the following lines:

tar: game: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

I checked the ownership and permissions on the gdbm.h file and found it was owned by the user's account, but her account had only read permission to the file. So I granted write permission for the user's account to the file.

$ ls -l game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h
-r--r--r-- 1 ann ann 4744 Apr 11  2008 game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h
$ chmod u+w game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h
$ ls -l  game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 ann ann 4744 Apr 11  2008 game/src/gdbm-1.8.0/gdbm.h

I also noticed that, though the user account number was the same between the source and destination systems, the group number differed being 501 on the source system and 1001 on the destination system.

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep ann
$ grep ann /etc/group

So I changed the group for the directory and all its files and subdirectories to be the appropriate one for the destination system.

$ chgrp --recursive ann game

This time when I extracted files from the tar file, there were no errors and the command completed successfully.

$ tar -xvf game.tar --overwrite
<text snipped>

And the ownership and group of files remained what they should be on the new system.