Checking the version of a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file

You can check version information for a Dynamic-link Library (DLL) file, i.e., a file with a .dll filename extension, or a executable file, i.e., a .exe file, from a command-line interface (CLI) on a Microsoft Windows system by using the Get-Item cmdlet. E.g.:

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PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows\explorer.exe).VersionInfo

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
10.0.15063.0     10.0.15063.0 ... C:\Windows\explorer.exe

PS C:\>

If you can't see all of the information, i.e., if you see three dots indicating that not all of the information is displayed, you can append | format-list to the command to have the output displayed in list format.

PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows\explorer.exe).VersionInfo | format-list

OriginalFilename  : EXPLORER.EXE.MUI
FileDescription   : Windows Explorer
ProductName       : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Comments          :
CompanyName       : Microsoft Corporation
FileName          : C:\Windows\explorer.exe
FileVersion       : 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
ProductVersion    : 10.0.15063.0
IsDebug           : False
IsPatched         : False
IsPreRelease      : False
IsPrivateBuild    : False
IsSpecialBuild    : False
Language          : English (United States)
LegalCopyright    : © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LegalTrademarks   :
PrivateBuild      :
SpecialBuild      :
FileVersionRaw    : 10.0.15063.608
ProductVersionRaw : 10.0.15063.608

PS C:\>

If you don't see any ProductVersion or FileVersion information, using format-list may reveal some useful information, such as FileVersionRaw and ProductVersionRaw. E.g.:

PS C:\> (Get-Item "C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\comiclife3.exe").VersionInfo

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
                                  C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\comic...

PS C:\> (Get-Item "C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\comiclife3.exe").VersionInfo | format-list

OriginalFilename  :
FileDescription   :
ProductName       :
Comments          :
CompanyName       :
FileName          : C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\comiclife3.exe
FileVersion       :
ProductVersion    :
IsDebug           : False
IsPatched         : False
IsPreRelease      : False
IsPrivateBuild    : False
IsSpecialBuild    : False
Language          : English (United States)
LegalCopyright    :
LegalTrademarks   :
PrivateBuild      :
SpecialBuild      :
FileVersionRaw    :
ProductVersionRaw :

PS C:\>

If there are spaces in the directory path or file name, you need to enclose the directory path and file name in double quotes as in the example above.

You can also retrieve just specific values, e.g., ProductVersion, CompanyName, LegalCopyright, etc., by putting a dot and then the value's name after VersionInfo. E.g.:

Udemy Generic Category (English)120x600
PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows\explorer.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows\explorer.exe).VersionInfo.CompanyName
Microsoft Corporation
PS C:\> (Get-Item C:\Windows\explorer.exe).VersionInfo.LegalCopyright
© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\>

You can use the cmdlet with .dll as well as .exe files.

PS C:\> (Get-Item "C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\libegl.dll").VersionInfo | format-list

OriginalFilename  : libEGL.dll
FileDescription   : ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library
ProductName       : ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library
Comments          : Build Date: 2016-04-08 19:03:44 +0000
CompanyName       :
FileName          : C:\program files (x86)\Graphics\Comic Life 3\\Contents\Windows\libegl.dll
FileVersion       :
ProductVersion    :
IsDebug           : False
IsPatched         : False
IsPreRelease      : False
IsPrivateBuild    : False
IsSpecialBuild    : False
Language          : English (United States)
LegalCopyright    : Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
LegalTrademarks   :
PrivateBuild      :
SpecialBuild      :
FileVersionRaw    :
ProductVersionRaw :

PS C:\>

If you wish to check values for multiple files at once, you can include wildcard characters, such as "*", in the file name and can also use a select statement to return specific values. E.g.:

PS C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows> (Get-Item *.dll).VersionInfo | select Filename, ProductVersionRaw

FileName                                                                                          ProductVersionRaw
--------                                                                                          -----------------
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\AppKit.1.0.dll
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\CommonCrypto.1.0.dll
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\d3dcompiler_47.dll   6.3.9600.16384
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\Foundation.1.0.dll
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\hunspell.1.3.1.dll
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\libEGL.dll 
C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows\libGLESv2.dll

PS C:\program files (x86)\graphics\Comic Life 3\\contents\windows>