To import a public key from PuTTY to use for Secure Shell (SSH) logins, take the following steps:
You should now be able to login to a hosting account you have with GoDaddy via SSH using the public and private key pair you generated.
E.g., suppose my login id is johnasmith and I had a key with a key comment of "rsa-key-20160228"; when I attempt an SSH login with PuTTY I would see the "login as: " prompt. I would then use my login id of johnasmith and hit Enter. I would then see "Authentication with public key" and the key comment I placed in that key and would be prompted for the passphrase I picked, if I used one, for the key. After entering that passphrase, I would be logged in.
login as: johnasmith Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20160228" Passphrase for key "rsa-key-20160228": johnasmith@a2plcpnl0715 [~]$
If you saved the private key file without a passphrase, you would be immediately logged in after providing the userid as shown below:
login as: johnasmith Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20160228" johnasmith@a2plcpnl0715 [~]$