Changing the Navigation Pane Font Size in Outlook 2010

If you wish to change the default font size that Outlook 2010 uses for its navigation pane, which is the list of folders/items on the left of the window that appear above the Mail, Calendar, Contacts , Tasks list, take the following steps:
  1. Open Outlook 2010 and move your mouse to the bottom left corner of the Navigation Pane, where you will see Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks listed then right-click on one of those options, e.g., Contacts, and choose Navigation Pane Options.

    Contacts - Navigation
Pane Options

  2. You will see a sequence of buttons one below the other on the right side of the window that opens. Click on Font, which is the third button down from the top.

    Outlook 2010 Navigation
Pane Options

  3. You will then see a font window open that displays the font name, style, and size, e.g., Segoe UI with a style of "regular" and a size of 8.

    Outlook 2010 font options

    If you just want to make the font bigger, you can choose a larger number for the font size.

    If you just changed the size from the default of 8 point to 14 point, you would see the folders under Mail in the navigation pane on the left side of the Outlook 2010 window change from this:

    Navigation pane entries 14 point

    to this:

    Navigation pane entries 14 point


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Created: Tuesday November 20, 2012