Transferring themes from an old Windows system to a new one

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To transfer the non-default themes for a user on an old system, e.g., a Windows 10 system, to a new system, e.g., a Windows 11 system, while logged into the relevant account on the old system, navigate to the %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows directory in the Windows File Explorer%localappdata% is an environment variable on a Windows system that equates to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ where username is the account name for the currently logged on user. Then copy the Themes directory to a location where you can access it on the new system, e.g., a network drive or USB flash drive.

To see the currently installed themes on the new system, you can hit the Windows key and the D key simultaneously to get to the desktop. Right-click somewhere on the desktop and choose Personalize, then click on Themes. You will then see the currently available themes.

Windows 11 Current Themes

You can then close the window displaying the themes. Copy the Themes directory from the old system to %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows on the new system, i.e., C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ where username is the relevant account name. Note: if no custom themes have been installed on the new system for the user, then there won't be a Themes directory on the new system yet. If you then look at the currently installed themes again with the steps listed above or by typing themes in the Windows Search field at the bottom of the screen and selecting Themes and related settings, you should see the themes that were on the old system as being available on the new system.

Transferred Themes