Viewing results of prior antivirus scans for McAfee Total Protection

To view the results of prior scheduled or manual antivirus scans for McAfee Total Protection, take the steps listed below. Note: the steps below apply to McAfee Total Protection version 14.0; similar steps may apply to other versions as well, though.
  1. At the window you see when you start the program, click on Navigation, which you will see near the top, right-hand corner of the window.

    McAfee Total Protection start window

  2. In the Navigation Center window, click on Security History, which appears under the Reports and History section.

    McAfee Total Protection Navigation Center

  3. You may need to wait a couple of minutes for the security history to be displayed, but in the Security History window which then opens, you can "see logs of activities on your PC, and how McAfee has protected you." By default, everything detected during scans run in the last 24 hours or when McAfee detected something outside of a scan, e.g., if you attempted to access a file it deemed to be problematic, will be displayed.
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    But you can change the displayed information by selecting from the following options:




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