Troubleshooting POP3S connections through a NetScreen firewall

A user reported that she was unable to receive email using her Outlook email client. When I checked her system, I found that Outlook 2016 was reporting the following error message:

Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108): 'Outlook cannot connect to your incoming (POP3) email server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

I verified that I could connect to the email server on the SMTP port, port 25, and the POP3 port, port 110, from external systems and she told me that her husband's system was able to check his email successfully. Since I knew his system was establishing a POP3 connection to the mail server to check email, but her system was establishing an encrypted POP3S connection on port 995, I checked the Linux email server to verify that it was listening for connections on port 995, since there had been a power outage at its location recently that I thought might have caused it to reboot. It was listening on that port.

$ netstat -a | grep -i pop3s
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:pop3s              [::]:*                  LISTEN

So I thought the problem was likely at a NetScreen firewall between the user and the server. I logged into the firewall via Secure Shell (SSH). I verified that there were no filters currently set for the firewall and then set a filter for destination port 995 with the command set ffilter dst-port 995. I then cleared the debug buffer with clear db and started debugging on the router/firewall with debug flow basic - see NetScreen Debugging Commands for an explanation of the debugging commands. I could see that TCP packets were reaching the firewall, but the firewall was reporting "packet dropped: for self but not interested".

ns5gt-> get ffilter
ns5gt-> set ffilter dst-port 995
filter added
ns5gt-> clear db
ns5gt-> debug flow basic
ns5gt-> get db str
****** 65670.0: <Untrust/untrust> packet received [52]******
  ipid = 30947(78e3), @03c1ac30
  packet passed sanity check.
  self check, not for us
  chose interface untrust as incoming nat if.
  packet dropped: for self but not interested
****** 65673.0: <Untrust/untrust> packet received [52]******
  ipid = 30950(78e6), @03c41430
  packet passed sanity check.
  self check, not for us
  chose interface untrust as incoming nat if.
  packet dropped: for self but not interested
****** 65679.0: <Untrust/untrust> packet received [48]******
  ipid = 30951(78e7), @03c2ac30
  packet passed sanity check.
  self check, not for us
  chose interface untrust as incoming nat if.
  packet dropped: for self but not interested

I checked for any firewall rules that applied to POP3 and saw that policy id 23 was the one for POP3S - the "| i" indicates that only policies should be displayed that includes the string that follows, which in this case is "POP3".

ns5gt-> get policy from untrust to trust | i "POP3"
    15 Untrust  Trust    Any          VIP(untrust) POP3                 Permit enabled ---XXX
    23 Untrust  Trust    Any          VIP(untrust) POP3S                Permit enabled ---XXX

I checked the policy with get policy id 23 and found it looked ok.

ns5gt-> get policy id 23
get policy id 23
name:"POP3S" (id 23), zone Untrust -> Global,action Permit, status "enabled"
src "Any", dst "VIP(untrust)", serv "POP3S"
Policies on this vpn tunnel: 0
nat off, url filtering : disabled
vpn unknown vpn, policy flag 0000, session backup: on
traffic shapping off, scheduler n/a, serv flag 00
log yes, log count 0, alert no, counter yes(17) byte rate(sec/min) 0/0
total octets 0, counter(session/packet/octet) 0/0/17
priority 7, diffserv marking Off
tadapter: state off, gbw/mbw 0/-1
No Authentication
No User, User Group or Group expression set

I then remembered that there had been an issue with the server recently regarding the virtual IP (VIP) address configuration related to POP3S. The firewall is performing network address translation (NAT) and needs to be configured to use a VIP to connect to the actual IP address of the email server on the trusted side of the firewall on port 995. I had configured it to do so previously, but apparently forgot to save the NetScreen configuration afterwards, so I assume the power outage at the location of the firewall and server resulted in the firewall "forgetting" the recently changed configuration when it rebooted. I entered the command set interface untrust vip untrust "POP3S" to correct the problem and this time saved the configuration immediately aftewards.

ns5gt-> set interface untrust vip untrust 995 "POP3S"
ns5gt-> save config

I then verified that the user's system could successfully retrieve her email.


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