Set up Hyper-V on Windows 11

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Microsoft provides a capability to create virtual machines (VMs) within the Windows operating system via Hyper-V. To set up Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization software on a Windows 11 system so that you can create and use virtual machines on the system, you can type Turn Windows features in the Windows Search field at the bottom of your screen and thn select the Control Panel option to "Turn Windows features on or off" when it is displayed.

Turn Windows features on or

In the Windows Features window, scroll down until you see Hyper-V. If you click on the plus sign next to its check box, you will see there are two subcomponents, Hyper-V Management Tools and Hyper-V Platform.

Windows Features - Hyper-V

Hyper-V Management Tools - Includes GUI and command-line tools for managing Hyper-V
Hyper-V Platform - Provides the services that you can use to create and manage virtual machines and their resources

If you check the Hyper-V check box, the two subcomponents will both be turned on. Click on OK when you are done. You will then see "Searching for required files", which should be followed by "Applying changes" and then the completion window where you will be notified that "Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes." Click on the Restart now button to immediately apply the changes or you can click on Don't restart to apply them at a later reboot of the system.

Windows completed the requested changes

After rebooting the PC, you can start the Hyper-V Manager application by typing Hyper-V Manager in the Windows Search field at the bottom of the screen and clicking on the app when you see it returned by the search function.

Hyper-V Manager found

With the relevant system selected, e.g. Mu in the example below, you can click on "Quick Create..." in the right-hand pane of the window to create a new VM.

Hyper-V Manager

In the Create Virtual Macine window that you will then see, you will see some available operating system options, such as Ubuntu Linux.

Create Virtual Machine

Select one, such as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and then click on the Create Virtual Machine button.

Create Ubuntu Virtual Machine

A download of the operating system image will then start (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is 2.31 GB). When the download completes, the VM should be created and you should see a "Virtual machine created successfully" window.

Virtual Machine created

You can click on Edit Settings, if you wish to change the amount of memory allocated to the VM or make other configuration changes for the VM.

Settings for Ubuntu 22.04 VM

If you click on Connect, you will see a message that the virtual machine is turned off, but you can click on the Start button to turn it on and connect to it.

Ubuntu VM turned off

You will then see the System Configuratin screen for the VM.

VM System Configuration

You can then configure the VM operating system and you will be able to use the VM after completing the configuration steps.