GNU nano text editor for Windows

The GNU nano text editor is a clone of the earlier Pico text editor that was incorporated in the Pine email client. A version of the nano text editor that will run on Microsoft Windows systems is available from SourceForge at GNU nano. The software is available as a zip file. When you unzip that file, within it is a README text file within the zip file that lists the following installation procedure:

If you don't have administrator access to the system on which you wish to run nano, you can place it within the Documents directory for the account you are using, or you could run it from a USB flash drive, so you can use it as a portable app.

You can open a command prompt window to edit a file in nano. You can specify the file to be edited on the command line, e.g. nano abc.txt.

Nano 1.0.8

You can see help information for keyboard combinations that can be used within the editor by using ^G (^ represents the Ctrl key).

Udemy Generic Category (English)120x600
nano help text

 The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor.  There are
 four main sections of the editor: The top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and
 whether or not the file has been modified.  Next is the main editor window showing the file being edited.  The
 status line is the third line from the bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most
 commonly used shortcuts in the editor.

 The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated with a caret (^) symbol and are
 entered with the Control (Ctrl) key.  Escape-key sequences are notated with the Meta (M) symbol and can be entered
 using either the Esc, Alt or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup.  The following keystrokes are available in
 the main editor window. Optional keys are shown in parentheses:

^G      (F1)            Invoke the help menu
^X      (F2)            Exit from nano
^O      (F3)            Write the current file to disk
^R      (F5)            Insert another file into the current one
^\      (F14)   (M-R)   Replace text within the editor
^W      (F6)            Search for text within the editor
^Y      (F7)            Move to the previous screen
^V      (F8)            Move to the next screen
^K      (F9)            Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer
^U      (F10)           Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line
^C      (F11)           Show the position of the cursor
^T      (F12)           Invoke the spell checker (if available)
^C      (F11)           Show the position of the cursor
^T      (F12)           Invoke the spell checker (if available)
^P                      Move up one line
^N                      Move down one line
^F                      Move forward one character
^B                      Move back one character
^A                      Move to the beginning of the current line
^E                      Move to the end of the current line
^L                      Refresh (redraw) the current screen
^^              (M-A)   Mark text at the current cursor location
^D                      Delete the character under the cursor
^H                      Delete the character to the left of the cursor
^I                      Insert a tab character
^J      (F4)            Justify the current paragraph
^M                      Insert a carriage return at the cursor position
^_      (F13)   (M-G)   Goto a specific line number
M-C                     Constant cursor position enable/disable
M-I                     Auto indent enable/disable
M-Z                     Suspend enable/disable
M-X                     Help mode enable/disable
M-P                     Pico mode enable/disable
M-W                     Auto wrap enable/disable
M-M                     Mouse support enable/disable
M-K                     Cut to end enable/disable
M-E                     Regular expressions enable/disable

You can use Ctrl-o to save your work and Ctrl-X to exit from the program.