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Thu, Oct 18, 2012 7:34 pm

X-Fonter Upgrade from 6.4 to 7.5.2

I set up a new computer for my wife. She was using X-Fonter 6.4 on the old system to manage fonts and wanted the program on the new system, also. I downloaded the latest version of the software, which is produced by Blacksun Software from X-Fonter.

Since she had added a lot of fonts on the old system, I copied the contents of the fonts folder, C\Windows\Fonts, on the old system to the same location on the new system. I chose not to overwrite any existing font files of the same name on the new system. After adding all of her fonts to the new system, I installed the X-Fonter software on the new system. I also needed to copy the font collections she created in X-Fonter to the new system. X-Fonter uses .xfl files to store information about a "collection", i.e., a grouping of fonts that the user creates to help manage fonts.

E.g., my wife created a collection she titled "Christmas And Winter" for fonts she finds fitting for documents and webpages related to Christmas or winter themes. X-Fonter created a Christmas And Winter.xfl file that lists all of the fonts associated with that collection. E.g., see Copying X-Fonter Settings. A font can be in more than one collection.

On the old system running Windows 7 with X-Fonter 6.4, the font collections were stored in C:\Program Files\X-Fonter\Collections. On the new system, also running Windows 7, X-Fonter was installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Fonter. There was no Collections directory beneath it, so I simply copied the Collections folder from the old system to that location on the new system. After deciding to make some changes to the collections on the new system, my wife inadvertently deleted a collection. When I looked in the C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Fonter\Collections folder on the new system I found that none of the .xfl collections files were there, even though she could still see the other collections in X-Fonter. Checking for .xfl files on the system, I found that the new version had moved them to C:\ProgramData\X-Fonter\Collections. The files were also appearing in C:\Users\All Users\X-Fonter\Collections, but C:\Users\All Users is just a shortcut that points to the C:\ProgramData directory. So I had her close X-Fonter on the new system and copied the .xfl file for the collection she inadvertently deleted from the old system to the C:\ProgramData\X-Fonter\Collections folder and she was then able to reopen X-Fonter and see that collection along with the others.


  1. Copying X-Fonter Settings
    Date: June 27, 2009
    MoonPoint Support

[/os/windows/software/fonts] permanent link

Sun, Oct 14, 2012 5:50 pm

Copying Themes from One Windows 7 System to Another

If you wish to copy themes from one Windows 7 system to another, copy the contents of \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes, where Username is the account name for the account from which you wish to copy the themes. If the new system doesn't have a Themes directory under the \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ directory, because no themes have been added, just copy the Themes directory itself from the source system to the destination system. Afterwards, on the destination system, you can right-click on an empty area of the desktop, select Personalize, then select the theme you wish to use.

Note: you may need to turn on the display of hidden files and folders to locate the directory as described here.

[/os/windows/software/themes] permanent link

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