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Thu, May 24, 2018 11:10 pm

Using sox to record audio on OS X

I wanted to record a talk this week so I took my MacBook Pro laptop with me to the auditorium where the talk was being held. I normally use the QuickTime Player to record audio in such cases. But this time when I attempted to use the QuickTime Player, it wouldn't actually start recording. The presenters had started talking when I attempted to begin recording their presentation, so I opted to install Sound eXchange (SoX), which provides a command-line interface (CLI) for recording and editing audio on a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, and OS X. Since I had previously installed Homebrew on OS X on the system, I opened a Terminal window and used it to install SoX.

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Tue, Apr 05, 2016 9:45 pm

Recording audio on a Mac OS X system with QuickTime Player

If you need to create an audio recording, e.g., to record a lecture, etc., you can do so on a Mac OS X system using the QuickTime Player application that you should be able to find in the /Applications directory on the system. When you have completed recording, you can save the file in the MPEG-4 Part 14 multimedia container format as a .ma4 file. If you wish to convert the file to another format, you can convert it with iTunes or the afconvert utility that comes with the OS X operating system.

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