Determining the model and serial number of a HDD in a Linux system
If you need to know the model number and/or serial number of a hard disk drive
(HDD) in a Linux system, one tool that you can use to obtain that information
as well as other information on the drive is the
lsblk utility, which is
included in the util-linux package. E.g.:
# lsblk -o MODEL,SERIAL,SIZE,STATE --nodeps
WDC WD10EZEX-00W WD-WCC6Y4ZYE4Y3 931.5G running
DVD A DH16ACSHR 238229911623 1024M running
vmDisk-CD 13043003455 1024M running
You can see the list of arguments you can provide to the program with
lsblk -h
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On a Linux
system, you can use the lscpu command to obtain information on the system's
Central Processing Unit (CPU). On a
CentOS Linux
system, the utility is included in the util-linux package. On a CentOS system,
you can install that package using the
package management utility, if it isn't already installed, using
yum install util-linux
. You can check on whether the
lscpu program is already present using which lscpu
and, on
a CentOS system or another system that uses
you can use rpm -qi util-linux
to determine if the util-linux
package is already installed.
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Core temperature above threshold
On a CentOS 7 system I saw "Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock
throttled" messages like those below appear on the console today.
[68546.319229] CPU1: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 189995)
[68546.319240] CPU0: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 189989)
[68546.519121] CPU0: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 192228)
[68546.519131] CPU1: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 192234)
I checked to see if the lm_sensors
package was installed on
the system, so I could check fan speeds and the
central processing unit (CPU) temperature. It wasn't installed, so I
installed it from the root account with yum install lm_sensors
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