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Sun, Apr 18, 2021 5:13 pm

DB Browser for SQLite for Microsoft Windows systems

DB Browser for SQLite provides a data base management system (DBMS) for SQLite databases on a variety of operating systems. It is available for Microsoft Windows operating systems—there is even a portable application version that does not have to be installed, but instead can be run from a USB flash drive. The software is also available for macOS—see DB Browser for SQLite on OS X— and Linux systems. SQLIte itself is a relational database management system (RDBMS) available for a variety of operating systems. SQLite is freely available under a public domain license and DB Browser for SQLite is also freely available under a GNU General Public License (GPL). DB Browser for SQLite provides the underlying SQLite software, so you don't need to install SQLite on a system prior to installng DB Browser for SQLite.

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Mon, May 14, 2018 11:09 pm

Using local time for date calculations in SQLite

I have an SQLite database that I use to track approval of tasks. Every Monday, I need to generate a count of the number of tasks approved from the prior Tuesday through the Monday on which I'm creating the report. The approval dates are stored in the database as an integer and I enter them in the form 2018-05-14. I use the following SQL command in a Python script to determine the number I've approved in the last week:

sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tasks WHERE Approved >= date(CURRENT_DATE,"-6 day")'

But I noticed that the count didn't always include the tasks I approved on the prior Tuesday. E.g., when I ran the script tonight, May 14, the number reported was 5, yet I expected the result to be 7.

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Tue, Jul 18, 2017 10:53 pm

DB Browser for SQLite upgrade to version 3.9.1 on Mac OS X

I upgraded the version of DB Browser for SQLite on my MacBook Pro today to the latest version, 3.9.1v2. Before upgrading, I had version 3.8.0 on the system. When I checked the version from a command line interface, i.e., a Terminal window, using the system_profiler command, I didn't find any references to the program when I searched for "SQLite:", but I saw the version number listed for "sqlitebrowser."

$ system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType | grep -i "SQLite:" -A 2
$ system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType | grep -i "Browser:" -A 2

      Version: 3.8.0
$ system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType | grep -i "sqlitebrowser" -A 2

      Version: 3.8.0
      Location: /Applications/
      Get Info String: DB Browser for SQLite


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Sun, May 28, 2017 10:10 pm

Querying an SQLite Database With PHP

If you wish to query an SQLite database using PHP, you can do so by placing commands similar to those shown below within the code for a webpage:


$filename = "/Users/jasmith1/Documents/www/test/presidents.db";

$db = new SQLite3($filename);

$results = $db->query('SELECT * FROM Terms');
while ($row = $results->fetchArray()) {
    echo "<br>\n";

In the example above, the database location and file name is stored in the variable $filename. The file must be in a location accessible by the webserver and the file permissions must allow access to the file.

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Fri, Mar 24, 2017 10:31 pm

Redirecting SQLite output to a file

If you need to redirect the output of SQL commands to a file while using SQLite, you can do so using the .output command. E.g., I have an SQLite database on my MacBook Pro laptop running OS X that contains a table named Equipment. Within that table is a column named Device that is a description for the particular piece of equipment in the table entry. I can view just that field for all records with the SQLite command SELECT Device FROM Equipment. To direct the output of the command to a text file named device.txt, I can use the command .output device.txt. After executing the command to select the Device field from all records, I can then issue the .output command without any arguments to it to return to having the output of commands displayed on the console rather than going to the file.

$ sqlite3 ~/Documents/Work/CRQ/CRQ.db
SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .output device.txt
sqlite> SELECT Device FROM Equipment;
sqlite> .output

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Wed, Feb 08, 2017 8:41 pm

Running SQL commands from a text file using sqlite3

Every week I need to determine the number of tasks I reviewed and approved in the prior week. I track the tasks in a database on my MacBook Pro laptop using the SQLite utility that is part of the OS X operating system - see Using SQLite. I have a database named "CRQ" that contains a table named "Tasks". The schema for the table is shown below; approval dates are stored as integers; SQLite does not have a storage class specifically for dates, instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values1.

$ sqlite3 ~/Documents/Work/CRQ/CRQ.db
SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .schema Tasks
`Received`	INTEGER,
`Reviewed`	INTEGER,
`Approved`	INTEGER,
`Notes`	TEXT,
`Summary`	TEXT
sqlite> .exit

I can open the database and manually type the command to count the records with an approval date on or after a date I specify using an SQL command like the one below:

$ sqlite3 ~/Documents/Work/CRQ/CRQ.db
SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tasks WHERE Approved >= '2017-02-01';

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Tue, Jun 14, 2016 10:12 pm

Count Records with SQL

I needed to count the number of records in a table I use for tracking tasks within an SQLite database. The table is named "Tasks" and, in addition to other columns has a Received column, where I record when I received a task and an Approved column, where I record the date I approved the task. If I only want to see the task numbers and the dates on which I received and approved tasks and I want the records ordered by approval date, I can use the following Structured Query Language (SQL) command:
sqlite> select Task, Received, Approved from Tasks ORDER BY Approved;

I can count all of the records in the table with the SQL command below:

sqlite> select COUNT(*) FROM Tasks;

Within the table, I have a field named "Approved" that I use to track the approval date for tasks; I store the date as a text field, since SQLite doesn't have a storage class specifically for dates. If I want to know how many tasks I've approved since a specific date, I can use a command like the one below to determine the number approved since the specified date.

sqlite> select COUNT(*) FROM Tasks WHERE Approved > "2016-06-07";

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Wed, May 04, 2016 9:45 pm

DB Browser for SQLite on OS X

If you would like a graphical user interface (GUI) to view and manage SQLite databases, you can use DB Browser for SQLite, which was originally developed by Mauricio Piacentini of Tabuleiro Producoes as the Arca Database Browser. The program was later modified to be compatible with SQLite 2.x databases and rleased into the public domain. In 2014, the project was renamed to "Database Browser for SQLite" at the request of Richard Hipp , the creator of SQLite. The software is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux systems. You can use it to view the records in tables in existing databases, add new records to tables, etc.

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Fri, Apr 08, 2016 10:26 pm

Using SQLite

An easy way to create and maintain Structured Query Language (SQL) databases at no cost is to use the free SQLite software, which is available for Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows systems and also as C source code.

SQLite is provided by Apple with the current version of OS X; I don't know when it was first included with OS X, but I know it has been present from at least OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). If you open the Terminal application, which you can find in /Applications/Utilities, and type which sqlite3, you should see the program.

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