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Thu, Dec 17, 2015 11:23 pm

Star Wars in ASCII

A new Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens" is being released on Friday December 18, 2015.

Force Awakens poster

The Star Wars ssaga has been told in movies, animated TV series, a comic book series, novels, games, and fan fiction. It has also been related in ASCII art .

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To view the story retold in ASCII art, use a telnet program to connect to a site in the Netherlands, You can do so on an Apple OS X system by opening the Terminal program found in Applications/Utilities and then issuing the command telnet You can issue the same command from a Linux system. You can stop the display by typing Ctrl-] and then typing quit at the telnet> prompt. On a Microsoft Windows system, you can use PuTTY; set the connection type to telnet rather than ssh. If you've ever created ASCII art, you can appreciate the magntitude of the effort by the following individuals:

Original Work   : Simon Jansen ( )
Telnetification : Sten Spans ( )
Terminal Tricks : Mike Edwards (

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[/graphics] permanent link

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