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Sat, Sep 02, 2017 10:14 pm

Task management with Taskwarrior

I wanted a simple easy to use application for managing my todo list that was free and open source software (FOSS) which I could install on Linux systems, but which might also be available for other operating systems as well. There are online, commercial alternatives, but I wanted something I could put on my own systems with no fear that my data might disappear should a commercial entity not remain commercially viable. I found Taskwarrior, an open-source, cross platform time and task management tool with a command-line interface (CLI). The command line interface is helpful to me since I'm often working on systems via a Secure Shell (SSH) connection and would like to be able to add to my task list on those systems without using a graphical user interface (GUI).

I wanted to first install it on a CentOS Linux system. It isn't in the default software repositories for CentOS, but if you configure a CentOS system to use the EPEL repository, you can easily install the Taskwarrior package using yum with yum install task.

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