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Thu, Aug 14, 2008 9:39 pm

Error in Netopia Router Outbound Filter Set

I had configured a Netopia R5300 router to block outgoing connections to TCP port 25, i.e. to block outgoing email traffic, except from two designated email servers, yet other systems on the LAN were also able to connect to the SMTP port (port 25) on systems outside the LAN. After checking the outbound filters (firewall rules), I finally realized I had incorrectly specified for the subnet mask in rules rather than

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Wed, Feb 13, 2008 10:53 pm

Configuring SNMP on a Netopia R7220-T Router

To configure SNMP on a Netopia R7220-T router, take the following steps:

  1. From the main menu, select System Configuration.
                               Netopia R7220-T v4.6.2
                         Easy Setup...
                         WAN Configuration...
                         System Configuration...
                         Utilities & Diagnostics...
                         Statistics & Logs...
                         Quick Menus...
                         Quick View...
    Return/Enter displays options for the system.
    You always start from this main screen.

    From the System Configuration menu, select SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)....

                                  System Configuration
                         Network Protocols Setup...
                         Filter Sets...
                         IP Address Serving...
                         Date and Time...
                         Console Configuration...
                         SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)...
                         Upgrade Feature Set...
    Return/Enter to set up basic SNMP options (Community Strings, Traps, etc.).

    From the SNMP Setup window, specify the desired SNMMP configuration.

                                      SNMP Setup
             System Name:
             System Location:
             System Contact:
             Read-Only Community String:        public
             Read/Write Community String:
             Authentication Traps Enable:       Off
             IP Trap Receivers...
    Configure optional SNMP parameters from here.

    You can put in whatever name you would like to use for the router in the System Name field, e.g. Netopia Router and then hit Enter to advance to the next field, where you can specify the location, e.g. 1020 Maple Street. Hit Enter to fill in the System Contact field. The default read-only community string is public. To prevent others from accessing information from the router, you can provide another community string. You can provide a read/write community string as well, if you like. If you want authentication traps sent to another device, enable authentication traps and specify IP trap receivers. Otherwise, you can leave these as is.

    You can return to the main menu, if you wish, by hitting the Escape key until to back up through the menus.

    If you want a free program to monitor the router via SNMP from a Windows system, try PRTG Traffic Grapher. It is fairly straight-forward to set up and can even install its own webserver on the system on which you install it. If you already have webserver software running on the system on which you install it using port 80, PRTG will automatically set up its own webserver at port 8080. Or you can choose a different port, if you prefer. You can specify userids and passwords granted access to the webserver, where the PRTG graphs are displayed.

    [/hardware/network/router/netopia] permanent link

Sun, Feb 10, 2008 9:45 pm

Use Custom Filter with Netopia R7220-T Router

A Netopia R7220-T router has built-in firewall capabilities. It comes with two filter sets preconfigured, "Basic Firewall" and "NetBIOS", but you can create your own custom filters. To use a custom filter you have created, take the following steps.
  1. From the main menu, select Quick Menus and hit Enter.

                               Netopia R7220-T v4.6.2
                         Easy Setup...
                         WAN Configuration...
                         System Configuration...
                         Utilities & Diagnostics...
                         Statistics & Logs...
                         Quick Menus...
                         Quick View...
    Return/Enter displays options for the system.
    You always start from this main screen.

  2. From the Quick Menu, select Change Connection Profiles and hit Enter.

                                       Quick Menu
     Connection Profiles          Line Configuration     IP Setup
     Add Connection Profiles                             IP Address Serving Setup
     Change Connection Profiles                          IP Filter Sets
     Delete Connection Profiles   Backup Config          Static Routes
     WAN Default Profile                                 Network Address Translation
                                                         IPX Setup
                                                         IPX Filters & Filter Sets
     Console Configuration        TFTP
     SNMP Setup
    This menu allows you to visit most configuration screens.

  3. When your connection profile, e.g. Easy Setup Profile, appears hit enter to accept it for editing.

                                       Quick Menu
             +-Profile Name---------------------IP Address----IPX Network-+
     Add Conn| Easy Setup Profile                   | Setup
     Change C|                                                            |
     Delete C|                                                            |
     WAN Defa|                                                            |anslation
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |er Sets
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
     Console |                                                            |
     SNMP Set|                                                            |
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
             |                                                            |
    Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

  4. Select IP Profile Parameters... and hit Enter.

                                 Change Connection Profile
             Profile Name:                      Easy Setup Profile
             Profile Enabled:                   Yes
             Data Link Encapsulation...         RFC1483
             IP Enabled:                        Yes
             IP Profile Parameters...
             IPX Enabled:                       No
             Interface Group...                 Primary
    Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.
    Modify Connection Profile here. Changes are immediate.

  5. Select Filter Set... and hit Enter.

                                IP Profile Parameters
             Address Translation Enabled:       Yes
             IP Addressing...                   Numbered
             NAT Map List...                    Easy-PAT List
             NAT Server List...                 Easy-Servers
             Local WAN IP Address:    
             Local WAN IP Mask:       
             Filter Set...                      NetBIOS Filter
             Remove Filter Set
             Receive RIP:                       Both
    Return/Enter to select Filter Set (Firewall) for this profile.
    Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

  6. Select the custom filter set you created, e.g. "Custom", if that was the name you used, and hit Enter.

                                IP Profile Parameters
             Address Translati+-----------------------------------+
             IP Addressing... | Basic Firewall                    |
                              | NetBIOS Filter                    |
             NAT Map List...  | Custom                            |
             NAT Server List..|                                   |
                              |                                   |
             Local WAN IP Addr|                                   |
             Local WAN IP Mask|                                   |
                              |                                   |
             Filter Set...                      NetBIOS Filter
             Remove Filter Set
             Receive RIP:                       Both
    Up/Down Arrows to select, then Return/Enter; ESC to cancel.

  7. Hit Esc to go back to the prior IP Profile Parameters menu. You should now see whatever name you used for your custom filter listed on the same line as Filter Set....

                                IP Profile Parameters
             Address Translation Enabled:       Yes
             IP Addressing...                   Numbered
             NAT Map List...                    Easy-PAT List
             NAT Server List...                 Easy-Servers
             Local WAN IP Address:    
             Local WAN IP Mask:       
             Filter Set...                      Custom
             Remove Filter Set
             Receive RIP:                       Both
    Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.
    Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

  8. You can then keep hitting Esc until you get back to the main menu or just disconnect from the router

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