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Fri, Jan 12, 2007 9:48 pm

Who is Logged On to a Computer - VBS Script

If you need to know whether anyone is logged into a remote computer in your domain or who that might be, you can use LoggedOn.vbs, a script I found at List User Logged On To A Remote Computer, which was written by Cheyenne Harden and is available at the LazyNetworkAdmin.Com website or from this site (see links below).

To use the utility, you can enter LoggedOn.vbs at the command line while in the directory where the file is located. A small window will open prompting you for the name of the computer to query.

Enter computer name

You will see the logged on user displayed in a small Windows Script Host window as shown below:

Logged on user 

If no one is logged on to the system, you will see "null" displayed in the small Windows Script Host window that opens.

Logged on user 

If you want the logged on user information displayed in a form that you can copy and paste into a document, you can use cscript /nologo LoggedOn instead. The results will then be displayed on the command line as below:

C:\Program Files\Utilities\Miscellaneous>cscript /nologo LoggedOn.vbs

If no one is logged into the system, you will see "null" displayed on the command line.

C:\Program Files\Utilities\Miscellaneous>cscript /nologo LoggedOn.vbs

If the system can't be queried, you won't see an error message. Instead, you won't see anything displayed.

Information on other utilities to display the logged on user can be found at Who Is Logged On?.



  1. List User Logged On To A Remote Computer
    By Cheyenne Harden
  2. Who Is Logged On?
    MoonPoint Support

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Fri, Feb 10, 2006 11:15 pm

Who Is Logged On?

If you need to determine who is logged into a Windows system, there are several alternatives for collecting that information from a command line interface. One of method is to use a Visual Basic script to determine who is logged on, such as the WhoLogon.vbs script by Guy Thomas. Or you can use the free PsLoggedOn utility by Mark Russinovich at Sysinternals. There is also a whoami utility within the Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities, which contains ports of some common GNU utilities to native Win32.

[ More Info ]

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