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Tue, May 31, 2016 9:27 pm
Establishing a SOCKS proxy using an SSH client
You can establish a
Socket Secure (SOCKS) server on a
Secure Shell (SSH)
server using the
option to the ssh client command.
-D [bind_address:]port
Specifies a local “dynamic” application-level port forwarding.
This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local
side, optionally bound to the specified bind_address. Whenever a
connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over
the secure channel, and the application protocol is then used to
determine where to connect to from the remote machine. Currently
the SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols are supported, and ssh will act
as a SOCKS server. Only root can forward privileged ports.
Dynamic port forwardings can also be specified in the configura-
tion file.
IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing the address in
square brackets. Only the superuser can forward privileged
ports. By default, the local port is bound in accordance with
the GatewayPorts setting. However, an explicit bind_address may
be used to bind the connection to a specific address. The
bind_address of “localhost” indicates that the listening port be
bound for local use only, while an empty address or ‘*’ indicates
that the port should be available from all interfaces.
E.g., if I wished to create a SOCKS proxy server at the SSH server end
from an SSH client using the
registered port commonly used as the listening port for a SOCKS proxy, i.e.,
TCP port 1080, I could use the command below, assuming
that I have a jdoe account on the SSH server at example.com.
$ ssh -D 1080 jdoe@example.com
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Sun, Feb 15, 2015 10:42 pm
Using PuTTY to set up a SOCKS Proxy Connection
A SOCKS proxy can be set up from a system using an encrypted tunnel
established via an SSH connection to an SSH server, e.g., see
Creating a Socks Proxy Server
with SSH. On a Microsoft Windows system, the free
PuTTY telnet
and SSH client software can be used to set up such a connection. After
configuring PuTTY to establish a SOCKS proxy via its connection to the SSH
server, any browser that supports SOCKS proxies, such as Internet Explorer,
Chrome, Firefox, etc., can be configured to route its traffic to web servers
via the SOCKS proxy.
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Sat, Jan 17, 2015 11:39 pm
Proxy server configured to d2e24t2jgcnor2.webhostoid.com
I've used Vuze as a BitTorrent client on a number of systems previously
without problems. However, when I installed it on a new system for my
wife recently, I found that the bundled software that came with it,
which I thought I had indicated I didn't want installed with Vuze,
set itself up as a proxy server for HTTP and HTTPS traffic and installed a
self-signed security certificate into the root certificates list on the system,
effectively nullifying the protection offered by viewing sites with HTTPS
rather than HTTP and potentially exposing any userids and passwords,
credit card numbers, etc. to the view of the bundled GeniusBox software.
I first noticed that a serious security issue had occurred when
I mistyped a site's URL and saw a webpage displayed referencing
d2e24t2jgcnor2.webhostoid.com, instead of the expected site.
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Sun, Jan 11, 2015 5:55 pm
Checking the proxy server settings with Google Chrome on a Windows system
In Google Chrome on a Microsoft Windows system you can check or change the
proxy server setttings by the following steps within the Chrome browser.
Note: changing the proxy server settings by this means changes the system-wide
proxy server settings, so the configuration changes you make will also apply
to Internet Explorer.
Click on the "Customize and Control Google Chrome" button at the top,
right-hand side of the Google Chrome window. It is represented as a button
with 3 short horizontal lines on it.
Select Settings
Click on the "Show advanced settings" link near the bottom of the window.
Scroll down to the Network Settings section and click on
the Change proxy settings button.
That will open an Internet Properties window where you can
click on the LAN settings button, which will open a
Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window.
Check the checkbox next to "Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings
will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)."
Click on the Advanced button, which will open a
Proxy Settings window.
Put in the IP address and port number for the proxy server in the
"Proxy address to use" and "Port" fields. You will see four types of proxies
listed: HTTP, Secure, FTP, and Socks. The line where you will place the
IP address and port number will depend on which of those you are using.
Click on OK and then OK again at the
Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, and again
at the Internet Properties window.
Note: tested on Google Chrome 39.0 on a Microsoft Windows system.
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Wed, Jan 07, 2015 11:32 pm
Checking Microsoft Windows proxy server settings
Web browsers can be configured to use a proxy server for network connections,
i.e., instead of directly connecting to websites, the connections are
routed to a proxy server, which then establishes a connection to the
website and routes the return traffic from the site back to the browser.
This may be done for security reasons, e.g., the proxy server may be
running antivirus software that checks all downloads from websites before
passing files on to users' systems or the proxy server may be used to
block access to websites deemed malicious, i.e., ones distributing malware,
or ones that are deemed inappropriate for the workplace or by children, if
the proxy server is located in a home rather than a business environment.
A proxy server may also be used to hide the actual IP address of the system
on which the browser is running for privacy reasons.
The proxy server settings for the system can be configured within
Internet Explorer on a Microsoft Windows system. They can also be queried
and set from a command line interface using the reg query
or reg add
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Tue, Nov 28, 2006 10:08 pm
Creating a Socks Proxy Server with SSH
If you would like to browse the web without revealing your actual IP address
to the websites you visit, you can use
SSH to set up a
SOCKS proxy server.
Many web browsers, e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc., can be configured
to use a SOCKS proxy server. Other network applications which support the
SOCKS protocol can also be configured to route their communications through
a SOCKS proxy server.
By tunneling the SOCKS connections through an SSH connection, though, you can
encrypt network traffic between the applications using SOCKS on your client
system and the SOCKS proxy server so that others on the same network as your
client system can not observe the traffic.
To set up a SOCKS server tunnel with SSH, issue the command ssh -ND
n user@server
where "n" is the port number you wish to use and
"user@server" is a userid for your account on "server", which is an SSH
server. For instance, ssh -ND 1080 jsmith@abcd.com
establish a SOCKS proxy server on
port 1080 on the SSH server abcd.com where you are logging in with the account
jsmith. When you issue the command, you will be prompted for the password for
the jsmith account. After you enter the password, you won't get a shell
prompt from abcd.com, but you should then be able to configure your web
browser to use the SOCKS proxy server running on abcd.com on port 1080. Port
1080 is the default port for the SOCKS protocol, but you can use any port
(it will have to be a port above 1024, if you are not the root user). For
instance ssh -ND 5555 jsmith@abcd.com
would work just as well.
You simply have to specify the selected port when configuring the applications
that will use the SOCKS connection, such as your web browser. When the SOCKS
proxy server is set up on abcd.com, only you will be able to use it through
your tunneled SSH connection.
Configuring Browsers to Use SSH SOCKS Proxy Server
Internet Explorer 6.0
Firefox 2.0
Mozilla 1.7
If you want to verify that your web browser is now routing its communications
through the SOCKS proxy server you can go to a website that will show the
IP address websites are seeing for your system. For instance,
www.showmyip.com will show your IP
address. It should now show the IP address of abcd.com.
When you want to stop routing your browsers communications through the
SOCKS proxy server, you can simply revert to the previous browser configuration.
Note: though your browser will now be receiving content from websites you visit
through the SOCKS proxy server running on abcd.com and transmitting any input
you provide to those websites through the SOCKS proxy server also, your
client system, i.e. the system on which you ran the ssh -ND 1080
will still be looking up IP addresses for the websites
you visit through the DNS servers specified on the client system when the
SOCKS version 4 protocol is used. E.g., if
you run the ssh command from mypc.mycompany.com, if you visit www.xyz.org, any
content on the website www.xyz.org will be encrypted
between the client system, mypc.mycompany.com and the SOCKS server, abcd.com,
so no one else at mycompany.com will be able to observe the traffic using
a sniffer. All that any
network administrator will know is that you have a connection to abcd.com.
However, mypc needs to translate the name www.xyz.org to its IP address. So
mypc will need to query a local name server, e.g. mycompany.com name servers,
to perform that translation. So someone sniffing traffic from/to mypc would
see it perform a lookup of the IP address for www.xyz.org.
I've found this procedure works when the SSH server is running
OpenSSH, even
OpenSSH for Windows.
It also worked when I tried connecting to a Sun Solaris 2.7 system running
Tunnel Everything through SSH
By Julius Plenz
March 2, 2006
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Thu, Dec 01, 2005 12:04 am
Adding Firewall Rules to a Windows XP Professional System via the Command Line
I needed to test access to a website from another location. I had installed
AnalogX's proxy server software,
on a Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 system at another location and
had also installed
for Windows on the same system. But I hadn't configured Windows
XP's firewall software on that system to allow me to access the HTTP
or Socks proxy services on the system from a remote location. So I
could connect to the system via SSH, start the proxy software from
the command line interface, but I couldn't access the Socks proxy
service, which I had configured to listen on port 56080 nor the HTTP
proxy service, which I had configured to listen on port 56588 (see
AnalogX Proxy for
information on how to configure AnalogX's proxy software to listen on
alternative ports).
Fortunately, you can modify the Windows XP firewall configuration
from the command line. I entered the following command to add a firewall
opening for TCP port 56080 (you will see an "OK" when the command is
completed). After "portopening", you specify the protocol, i.e. "TCP",
"UDP", or "All" for both, then the port number, then a name of your
choosing. Unless you specify otherwise, the port will be opened so that
any IP address can access it, i.e. anyone in the world who can access
the system can access the port. So you might want to add the "scope"
parameter to the command as well. You can issue the command netsh
firewall set portopening
to see all of the options.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall set portopening TCP 56080 Proxy
To specify that only certain IP addresses would be allowed access
to the port, which is certainly desireable for any proxy services,
you can use a command like the following instead.
netsh firewall set portopening protocol = TCP port = 56080 name = Proxy mode = ENABLE
scope = CUSTOM addresses =,,,LocalSubnet
If the immediately above example was used, then could access the port
as could three specific subnets, the last of which is the subnet for any
systems on the LAN.
After opening the appropriate firewall rule, I then started the proxy
program from the command line.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>"\program files\proxy\proxy"
To verify that the system was actually listening on the port I
expected I used the netstat
and find
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netstat -a | find "56080"
TCP HomeGarden:56080 HomeGarden:0 LISTENING
To verify the firewall rules have been updated appropriately as well,
you can use the netsh firewall show portopening
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show portopening
Port configuration for Domain profile:
Port Protocol Mode Name
1900 UDP Enable SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869 TCP Enable UPnP Framework over TCP
Port configuration for Standard profile:
Port Protocol Mode Name
21599 TCP Enable SSH
56080 TCP Enable Proxy
1900 UDP Enable SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869 TCP Enable UPnP Framework over TCP
3389 TCP Enable Remote Desktop
When you want to disable the rule you can use the same command as
the one you used to enable the firewall rule, but put "disable" at the
end of it.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall set portopening TCP 56080 Proxy disable
You can verify the rule is no longer there with the "show portopening" option
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh firewall show portopening
Port configuration for Domain profile:
Port Protocol Mode Name
1900 UDP Enable SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869 TCP Enable UPnP Framework over TCP
Port configuration for Standard profile:
Port Protocol Mode Name
21599 TCP Enable SSH
1900 UDP Enable SSDP Component of UPnP Framework
2869 TCP Enable UPnP Framework over TCP
3389 TCP Enable Remote Desktop
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Sun, Jun 26, 2005 11:35 pm
Configuring AnalogX Proxy
If you need to configure a Windows system as a
proxy server,
you can use
Proxy, which is available for free.
AnalogX Proxy provides the following proxy services using the ports
listed below:
HTTP (web browsers) (port 6588)
HTTPS (secure web browsers) (port 6588)
SOCKS4 (TCP proxying) (port 1080)
SOCKS4a (TCP proxying w/ DNS lookups) (port 1080)
SOCKS5 (only partial support, no UDP) (port 1080)
NNTP (usenet newsgroups) (port 119)
POP3 (receiving email) (port 110)
SMTP (sending email) (port 25)
FTP (file transfers) (port 21)
It is possible to change the ports used by AnalogX Proxy for the various
proxy services it supports.
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