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Sat, Jun 25, 2016 11:11 pm
Bing search history
As Google does with
its search engine, Microsoft maintains a history of all the searches you
have performed from its search engine while logged into a Microsoft account,
e.g., Hotmail, Outlook.com, etc. You can view the history of your searches
conducted with the
Bing search engine by clicking on
Search History at the top of the
Bing web page. If you click on that link, you will see links for "Recent
searches" and for "Frequent searches".
[ More Info ]
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Thu, Jun 23, 2016 11:31 pm
Google search history
If you use Google's search engine to search the web, if you're logged into
account, such as a
Gmail account, while performing the searches, you can
see a history of the searches you have performed by visiting
https://history.google.com/history/ while logged into that same account.
There you will see a graph displaying the number of searches you've performed
over the last few days and the total number of searches during that time
period, plus your top search clicks. You can change the time period displayed
to be last week, last month, last year, or all time.
[ More Info ]
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Tue, Mar 01, 2016 11:08 pm
My wife informed me this morning that someone had commented on a site
she visits regularly that Google is now providing a kid-friendly version
of its search engine, Kiddle. I hadn't heard of the site and when I checked
I found that the site isn't owned or operated by Google, but, instead, was
developed by someone else based on the Google Custom Search capability, i.e.,
it relies on Google's search engine, but with its own custom filters to
eliminate results that may be unsuitable for young children.
[ More Info ]
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Wed, Nov 11, 2015 8:49 pm
Searching for online copies of an image
If you have an image on your computer or find one online and want to know
locations where that image appears on web sites, you can use the
TinEye site or
Google Images. Both sites allow you
to upload an image or provide a
URL for an online location for an image. The services will then
return a list of all the locations where the image or similar images were
[ More Info ]
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Mon, Mar 03, 2014 7:31 pm
YandexBot Web Crawler
When checking my website logs to see if there were any entries indicating it
had been "crawled", i.e., indexed, by
DuckDuckGo, I found that there were no log entries for any of the
IP addresses used by the
DuckDuckGoBot for
indexing webpages
for 2013 nor for 2014. I found at DuckDuckGo's
Sources webpage that
though the search engine has its own
web crawler, it relies
heavily on indexes produced by the web crawlers for other search engines
DuckDuckGo gets its results from
over one hundred sources, including DuckDuckBot (our own
crawler), crowd-sourced
sites (like Wikipedia, which are stored in our own index),
Yahoo! (through
BOSS), Yandex,
WolframAlpha, and Bing.
DuckDuckGo's page states they apply their own algorithm to rank
results obtained from other search engines upon which they rely for
One of the search engines mentioned was
The Yandex search engine,
Yandex Search, can be accessed at
www.yandex.com. According to the Wikipedia articles for
and Yandex Search
the company operates the largest search engine in Russia with about 60%
market share in Russia with its search engine generating 64% of all Russian web
search traffic in 2010. The article on the company also states:
Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on
information from
Comscore.com, with more than 150 million searches per day as of April 2012,
and more than 50.5 million visitors (all company's services) daily as
of February 2013.
The article also indicates Yandex is heavily utilized in Ukraine and Kazakhstan,
providing nearly a 1/3 of all search results in those countries and 43% of all
search results in Belarus.
When I searched the logs for this year for this website, I found quite a
few entries indicating the site had been indexed by the Yandex web crawler.
I.e., there were many entries containing the following:
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)"
In the homepage for this site, I include
PHP code to notify me whenever Google's Googlebot indexes the site,
so I updated that code to include a check that will lead to an email alert
being sent to me whenever the YandexBot indicates the site, also.
$email = "me@example.com";
if( eregi("googlebot", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) )
mail($email, "Googlebot Alert",
"Google just indexed your following page: " .
if( eregi("YandexBot", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) )
mail($email, "Yandex Alert",
"Yandex just indexed your following page: " .
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Mon, Mar 03, 2014 5:17 pm
Removing a site from search results
If you don't wish to have any results returned for a particular site when
you are performing a search using
Yahoo, or
DuckDuckGo, you can include the option
on the search line. E.g., if I wished to search for "accessing
deleted wikipedia pages", but didn't want any results returned from
Wikipedia.org, I could use the following
search terms:
accessing deleted wikipedia pages -site:wikipedia.org
If you wish to include only results for a particular site, then you
would put the site's name after the word site
, e.g., if
I wished to search just moonpoint.com, I could use the following:
accessing deleted wikipedia pages site:moonpoint.com
If you restrict searches using the site
option, if you use a domain name such as moonpoint.com
results will also be returned for any domain names that include
the specified domain name at the end of the domain name, e.g.,
in this case anything on www.moonpoint.com
would also be returned.
The same is true when using the -site
option, i.e.,
no results would be returned for en.wikipedia.org
or www.wikipedia.org
in the first example.
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Wed, Oct 09, 2013 8:56 pm
Survey and Correlation Data from 2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors
2013 Search Engine Ranking
Factors Survey & Correlation Data, I found some interesting information
from a survey of search marketers regarding how search engines may rank
websites. Many of the factors that may lead to an increase in page ranking
didn't surprise me, but some of those that were listed as resulting in
a decrease in a page's ranking did surprise me, e.g., the number of
characters in a page's title and the use of hyphens
in URLs, which I often use. I've factors expected to have negative results
Page Has Twitter Card Markup |
-0.02 |
# of Large Images (Greater Than Or Equal to 1024X768px) |
-0.02 |
Folder Depth of URL (# of Trailing Slashes) |
-0.02 |
# of Videos On Page |
-0.03 |
Page Contains Google+ Authorship Markup |
-0.03 |
# of Google Adsense Slots in The Page |
-0.03 |
Domain has Numbers (example123.com) |
-0.03 |
# of Hyphens in Domain Name |
-0.03 |
Total Area of Adsense Slots on Page |
-0.04 |
# of Characters in the Title |
-0.04 |
URL Contains Hyphens |
-0.04 |
Total Length of the Full Domain (www.subdomain.pld.com) |
-0.09 |
URL Length in Characters |
-0.10 |
Response Time of Page in Seconds |
-0.10 |
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Sat, Sep 28, 2013 9:59 pm
Viewing Cached Google Pages from DuckDuckGo
I've often found Google's cached copies of webpages useful when a website
isn't currently accessible or when I would like to see a previous version
of a page that has recently changed. Unfortunately, Google doesn't make it
as easy as it once did to view such pages. Though
DuckDuckGo doesn't provide cached
copies of pages, it does provide a very easy method to access Google
cached pages from the DuckDuckGo search field as explained at
Cache. You simply
in front of a URL in the
DuckDuckGo search field. E.g.,
!cache http://example.com
DuckDuckGo states that "We would like to provide cached results
ourselves, but unfortunately it is non-trivial to do so as it requires
a lot of storage."
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Thu, Feb 26, 2009 8:00 pm
Google Street View Privacy Concerns
An article by Brian Cooper titled "Google Street View Continues to Raise
Privacy Concerns" raises privacy
issues for
Street View. The article mentions a lawsuit brought by a Pennsylvania
couple whose home was included among Google Street View images. The Street
View images included close-ups of the couple's home, swimming pool, and
outbuildings. The couple
sought compensatory and punitive damages, claiming that Google had invaded
their privacy, acted negligently, was unjustly enriched, and trespassed upon
their Pittsburgh property, which includes a private road leading to their house.
However, in a February 18, 2009 article
Judge Dismisses Google Street View Case, Juan Carlos Perez
of IDG News Service, states that Judge Amy Reynolds Hay from the U.S. District
Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, granted Google's request for
dismissing the lawsuit because "the plaintiffs have failed to state a claim
under any count."
As one of the commenters on the article by Mr. Perez noted, many people
who see Google Street View images as a significant privacy issue may ignore
far more serious privacy issues, such as warrantless wiretapping.
You can see where Street View is available in the U.S. at
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Sun, Feb 08, 2009 9:13 pm
Political Donation Lookup Tool
Campaign Donors : Fundrace
2008, one can use a search tool to look up campaign donors by
zip code, city, last name, occupation, or employer.
I came across the site by accident while doing a search on a company name.
The site revealed that the president of the company had made a campaign
contribution to George W. Bush in 2004. I tried a search on my zip code
and the site returned a list of people in my zip code who had made
contributions to either the Democratic or Republican party and the amount
The site states the following:
All calculations are based on public records filed with the FEC of
contributions by all individuals totaling more than $200 (and some
totaling less than $200) to a single Republican or Democratic presidential
campaign or national committee for the 2004 and 2008 election cycles.
FundRace is updated according to the reporting schedule set by the
FEC. Public contribution data is geocoded using public
U.S. Census Bureau
data. Dynamic maps are powered by Google
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