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Sun, Dec 14, 2014 5:45 pm

Copssh Connection Issues

When I tried connecting to a Windows 7 Professional system running Copssh 5.0.1 from PuTTY 0.58 on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 system, a "PuTTY Fatal Error" window appeared with the message "Couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes128ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,". I tried connecting from the same system with an OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 SSH client that is part of OpenSSH for Windows and received the message "no kex alg", which may mean "no key-exchange algorithm". When I tried specifying the encryption cipher using the OpenSSH client, I received an error message similar to the one I saw with PuTTY.
C:\Program Files\SSH\OpenSSH\bin>ssh -c 3des jdoe@
no matching cipher found: client 3des-cbc server aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,
C:\Program Files\SSH\OpenSSH\bin>ssh -c blowfish jdoe@
no matching cipher found: client blowfish-cbc server aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,,

When I tried connecting from the SBS 2003 system to another system, to which I could successfully connect with the OpenSSH SSH client, when I specified the -v option for debugging output with ssh -v, I saw the following:

debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_6.4
debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.4 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.8.1p1
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: server->client aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none
debug1: kex: client->server aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none

I upgraded PuTTY on the client system from version 0.58 to 0.63. I then no longer received the message about no matching cipher being found, but, instead saw another "PuTTY Fatal Error" window open, this time with the message "Network error: Software caused connection abort". I saw the same error message when I used PuTTY's plink utility from the command line.

C:\Program Files\Network\SSH\PuTTY>plink -ssh jdoe@
Using username "jdoe".
jdoe@'s password:
FATAL ERROR: Network error: Software caused connection abort

I installed Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) 6.08 and tried connecting with that client. Like with PuTTY, after I authenticated with the SSH server, I was immediately disconnected. I saw the following from Tunnelier:

First key exchange completed using ecdh-sha2/nistp521. Session encryption:
aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha2-256, compression: none. Attempting password authentication.
Authentication completed.
The SSH2 session has terminated with error. Reason: FlowSocketReader: Error
receiving bytes. Windows error 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed
by the remote host.

When I was able later to connect to the system running Copssh via RDP for troubleshooting after the user had left for the day, I checked its status log, which you can do on a Windows 7 system by the following steps:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Select All Programs.
  3. Select Copssh.
  4. Select Copssh Control Panel.
  5. Under the Status tab, you will see an icon that looks like a piece of paper with one edge folded down. You may also see something like "6 events last 15 minutes" next to it. Double-click on that icon.

    Copssh Control Panel status tab

When I checked the log, I saw many "fatal: mm_request_receive: read: Connection reset by peer" messages. There was a "Received SIGHUP; restarting" entry hours later.

2014.12.12 23:26:23 - Received SIGHUP; restarting.
2014.12.12 18:30:02 - fatal: mm_request_receive: read: Connection reset by peer

Seeing that, I tried establishing a connection with PuTTY again and was then able to log in by SSH successfully.

But then when I tried logging in remotely by SSH two days later the problem was back. I restarted the service within the Copssh Control Panel by clicking on the green button next to "Service is running" to stop the service. When the button turned red, I clicked on it again to restart the service, but that didn't resolve the problem; I still got the "Network error: Software caused connection abort" message when I tried connecting via PuTTY 0.63 and I saw the "fatal: mm_request_receive: read: Connection reset by peer" message in the Copssh log for evey connection attempt. Though I didn't expect it to resolve the problem, I tried the "net stop" and "net start" commands from a command prompt.

C:\Users\Administrator>net stop "OpenSSH SSHD"
The Openssh SSHD service is stopping.
The Openssh SSHD service was stopped successfully.

C:\Users\Administrator>net start "OpenSSH SSHD"
The Openssh SSHD service is starting.
The Openssh SSHD service was started successfully.

But that did work. I was then able to successfully log into the system via SSH.

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Mon, Nov 17, 2014 9:57 pm

COPSSH permission denied message

When I tried connecting from PuTTY on a Windows 8 system to a Windows 7 system running Copssh, a free OpenSSH-based SSH server package for Microsoft Windows systems, I received the message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: keyboard-interactive)", which appeared in a "PuTTY Fatal Error" window. When I tried connecting using OpenSSH on a SBS 2003 system, I received the message "Permission denied (keyboard-interactive)." I received the same message using the ssh client on a Mac OS X system.

I opened the Copssh control panel on the system and clicked on the Users tab. I had been trying to login with a domain account, but found that the activated users list showed only two local accounts on the system, but no domain accounts. When I clicked on the Add button to add a new user, I found that for the "Domain" setting, the only option I could choose was the local system, since its name appeared, but there was no other value to select in the drop-down list. When I tried using one of the listed accounts for the user name and password, I was able to successfully log in by SSH.

[/os/windows/network/ssh/copssh] permanent link

Sun, Sep 14, 2008 7:55 pm

CopSSH Installation on Windows Vista

I installed copSSH 1.4.6 on a Windows Vista Ultimate system. The software is an implementation of an SSH server and client for Windows systems. I had been using OpenSSH for Windows 3.8.1p1 on Windows 2000 and XP systems, but I haven't been able to get it to work under Windows Vista. I haven't had any problems getting copSSH to function as an SSH server under Vista.

At the end of the installation, the installation software displays the message below:

copSSH 1.4.6 Setup

After the installation, I clicked on Start, selected All Programs, then COPSSH, then Activate a User.

copSSH User Activation Wizard

I selected a user and then proceeded to the next step where I typed in a passphrase, which is used to protect the private key for the account.

copSSH Passphrase

I then clicked on the Activate button, which produced the message below.

copSSH Compatibility Assistant

I selected the "This program installed correctly" option.

Since the system was using the firewall capability built into Windows Vista, I then clicked on the Start button, selected Control Panel, then Security then Windows Firewall, and then Change Settings.

Windows Firewall Settings

I clicked on the Exceptions tab and then selected Add Port. At the Add Port window, I specified copSSH as the name for the firewall port and the default SSH port, which is port 22. SSH uses the TCP protocol.

Windows Firewall - Add a Port

I clicked on Ok and then OK again to create the firewall rule for copSSH. I was then able to use PuTTY to log into the system from another system.

If you would like to use another port other than the default port of 22, you need to edit the sshd_config file, which you will find within the etc directory beneath the directory in which you installed copSSH, e.g. \Program Files\copSSH\etc\sshd_config.

I suggest editing the file with WordPad rather than Notepad, because WordPad can handle the end of line characters used in the file so that each line appears one beneath the other rather than all lines appearing as one long line as they will in Notepad. WordPad can deal with the end of line character used on Unix and Linux systems better than Notepad. The file uses the linefeed character common for files on Unix and Linux systems rather than the combination of carriage return and linefeed characters that Microsoft Windows uses.

To change the port, locate the line below. Remove the "#" from the beginning of the line, which turns the line into a comment line. Then replace 22 with whatever number you wish to use for the port.

#Port 22

When you've changed the port, you will need to restart the SSH server service, which you can do by rebooting or simply stopping and restarting the service. To stop and restart the service from the command line, obtain a command prompt. If you aren't logged into an administrator account, you can use the command runas /user:administrator cmd from a command prompt to open another command prompt window under the administrator account.

C:\>net stop "Openssh SSHD"
The Openssh SSHD service is stopping.
The Openssh SSHD service was stopped successfully.

C:\>net start "Openssh SSHD"
The Openssh SSHD service is starting.
The Openssh SSHD service was started successfully.

You can verify copSSH is listening on the new port using the netstat command. E.g., if you set the port to 5622, you could use the command below:

C:\>netstat -an | find "5622"
  TCP              LISTENING

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