I found the free space on the C: drive on a Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 system was almost depleted. By compressing the ClientApps folder I was able to gain another 300
I found the C:\ClientApps folder was taking about 1 GB of disk space, so I chose to compress it, which you can do by the following procedure.
- Right-click on "ClientApps" folder.
- Select "Properties".
- Click on the "Advanced" button and select "Compress contents to save disk space.
- Click on "OK".
- Click on "OK" again to close the "ClientApps Properties" window.
- When the "Confirm Attribute Changes" window appears, leave "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files checked and click on "OK".
For other steps for freeing disk space, see Freeing Disk Space.
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