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Sat, Aug 13, 2022 6:39 pm

PeaZip temporary file location when creating an archive file

I hadn't used PeaZip as a backup utility previously, but after reading about the program, I thought it would be well-suited to copy a directory containing about 37 GB of files on a Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 server to an external USB drive so that I could transfer the directory, which was shared over the network from the server, to the new 2022 server I was setting up to replace the outdated server. I downloaded the portable version, PeaZip Portable to a USB flash drive and when I started the program, I specified the external USB drive as the location for the .tar archive I wished to create, but when the PeaZip program showed it was progressing with the backup, I did not see the archive file on that external drive. After some time wondering whether PeaZip was actually creating the tar file, I wondered whether it might be creating a temporary file elsewhere, so from a command prompt, I checked the location Windows was using to store temporary files for the account I was using with echo %temp% and, when I checked that location, found a .tar.tmp file that PeaZip was using for the ongoing archive process. Unfortunately, that temporary file was in a directory on drive C that I knew did not have enough free space left to accomodate the archive file as PeaZip progressed further, so I had to delete a lot of files from that drive and mover others there so that I would not have to restart the archive process.

C:\>echo %temp%

C:\>cd %temp%

C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.MAY\LOCALS~1\Temp>dir *.tar.tmp
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is E88C-7773

 Directory of C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.MAY\LOCALS~1\Temp

08/12/2022  11:14 PM     5,569,092,608 Andy_2022-08-12.tar.tmp
               1 File(s)  5,569,092,608 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  33,934,786,560 bytes free


When PeaZip concluded the archive process, it moved the temporary file to the location I specified with the .tmp extension now removed, but now I know I need to ensure that the location specified with the Windows %temp% environment variable for a site has enough free space to accomodate the archive file before using PeaZip to create a .zip, .tar, etc. file archive.

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