Status  Message Log  Spam Scoring  Virus Checking 
 Quarantine  IP Configuration  Administration  Bayesian/Intent 
Spam Scoring Limits
 A score is calculated for each incoming email to determine the likelihood of spam.
  0 = not spam   9 = definitely spam
 Tag Score:
Score at which subject line is modified. Recommended: 3.5
Quarantine Score:
Set to 10 to disable quarantine. Recommended: 10
Block Score:
Set to 10 to disable blocking. Recommended: 7
Spam Tag Configuration
 Subject Tag:
ex: [BULK]
Set Low Priority:Yes No
Turning on this option will also lower the priority of quarantined emails if Per-User Quarantine is NOT enabled. Recommended: Yes
Spam Bounce (NDR) Configuration
 Send Bounce:Yes No
This will turn on/off notifications to senders when a message is blocked due to spam. Recommended: Yes
Serial #BAR-SF-65579
Firmware v3.3.03.057 (2006-05-09 14:18:46)
Virus definition v2.0.174
Spam definition v3.0.25519
Copyright 2004-2006 Barracuda Networks, Inc.