I wanted to determine the manufacturer and model number of a motherboard in a
Windows server at a remote location. I didn't want to drive a half hour there,
open up the system's case to make that determination, and drive a half hour
back home. Since I have
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access to the system, I connected by RDP and
ran the
WMIC command wmic baseboard get
from a
command prompt. I saw the following output:
C:\>wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer,model,serialnumber,version Manufacturer Model Product SerialNumber Version 00000000000000000000000000000000 S03 Server QCHCNB3440135 Revision A C:\>
Since the manufacturer was listed as a string of all zeros, I decided to install the free Speccy program from Piriform. When I installed and ran the software, it also showed all zeros for the manufacturer.
The display did show the manufacturer and model number for the two disk drives in the system. When I clicked on Motherboard on the displayed information, I saw additional details on the motherboard, including the number of free PCI slots.
I then tried to obtain information on the model number of the computer
itself, I knew the manufacturer was
Gateway Inc., but I
didn't know the model. I used the wmic csproduct get vendor,name
command and saw the following output:
C:\>wmic csproduct get vendor,name Name Vendor 920 Series Gateway C:\>
I added the "identifyingnumber" parameter and saw the following:
C:\>wmic csproduct get vendor,name,identifyingnumber IdentifyingNumber Name Vendor 0032880113 920 Series Gateway C:\>
The identifyingnumber is the serial number for the system. It
was also the number returned by the wmic bios get serialnumber
C:\>wmic bios get serialnumber SerialNumber 0032880113 C:\>
Gateway no longer has information on the 920 series servers they once manufactured on the company's support site, but I found that I had downloaded and saved the Gateway 920 Server User's Guide twelve years ago. When I checked the "Server Specifications" section of that guide, I found that page 83 did list four 64-bit and one 32-bit PCI slot as reported by Speccy. I was also able to search online for "Gateway 920 motherboard", which led to a page on eBay where the specs for the Gateway 920 motherboard were listed.
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