Windows 7 Image Backup to Network Location

If you've never configured the backup software that comes with Microsoft Windows 7 to backup the system, you can follow the steps at Image Backup with Windows 7 Backup Program to configure the system for backups using that application. If you've already set it up for backups to an external device, such as a USB-attached disk drive, but want to backup the system to a network location, instead, take the following steps:
  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Click on System and Security.
  4. Click on Backup and Restore.
  5. Click on Create a system image.
  6. Click on the Options button.
  7. Click on Change backup settings.

    Windows Backup: Troubleshooting

  8. At the Set up backup window, click on the Save on a network button.

    Set up backup

  9. In the Network Location field in the Select a network location window, type type the name of the network location where you wish to store the backup, e.g. \\andy\backups, if you had a server named andy that was sharing a folder with a share name of backups. Or you can click on the Browse button to choose a network location. Type a user name and password for an account on the other system that will grant the backup program access to store data at that location. Then click on the OK button.

    Select a network location

  10. Click on the network location which should appear under Backup Destination and then click on the Next button.

    Proceed with backup to a network 

  11. At the next window, you will be asked "What do you want to back up? You can select from "Let Windows choose (recommended)" or "Let me choose"

    Backup choice for Windows backup

  12. At the next window, you will have an opportunity to review your backup settings. If you are satisfied with the settings, click on the Save settings and run backup button.

    Review Windows backup settings

When you've commenced the backup, you will be returned to the Back up or restore your files window, which will have a progress bar showing the progress of the backup.

Windows 7 backup in progress

You can click on the View Details button to see more details on the progress of the backup operation, including a percentage indication for the backup and file names as files are backed up across the network.

Windows 7 backup in progress details


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