Adjusting Space Between Bullets and Text for PowerPoint 2008 for MAC
If there is no space between the bullet character and the text that goes
with the bullets, you can insert space between the bullets and the text
by takng the following steps when using Microsoft Powerpoint
2008 for Mac:
- Select all of the bulleted text on the slide.
- Choose Format
- Choose Paragraph
- For the vaule of Special, choose Hanging and then
put a value in the By field, e.g. 0.38.
- Click on OK.
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Using suexec to run PHP under a different account
I wanted to run PHP for some virtual hosts on a webserver using the
user's account for her websites that were handled in Apache's
via virtual hosts. To do so, I used
suEXEC, but
it took me quite awhile to get it to work..
[ More Info ]
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Whoami - How to determine the account under which PHP is running
If you need to determine the account under which PHP is running on
a web server, you can use the code below:
On a web server running Apache as the
web server software, you can expect this to be the same as the account
under which Apache is running, so you may see apache
as the
result. Or, if the system is using virtual hosts and suexec
, e.g.,
with an SuexecUserGroup
directive in Apache's
file for the virtual host, then you may see the userid
associated with the website listed.
If you wish to see the user ID, group ID, and groups for the account under
which PHP is running, you can use the following code:
system("id -a");
If PHP and Apache are running under the apache userid, you might see output
similar to the following:
uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache)
How to find out what user PHP is running as
Date: December 13, 2007
PHP, MySQL and Affiliate Marketing Technology |
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