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Fri, Mar 14, 2025 7:18 pm

Determining the mount point for a USB flash drive on a Lubuntu system

I booted a PC from a USB flash drive on which I had installed Lubuntu Linux. I also plugged another flash drive into the system, but I didn't know where it was mounted. The hard disk drive (HDD) in the system was /dev/sda and I assumed the Lubuntu Linux bootable drive was /dev/sdb and the new drive would be /dev/sdbc. You can type for devlink in /dev/disk/by-id/usb*; do readlink -f ${devlink}; done at a shell prompt, which you can obtain on a Lubuntu system by clicking on the bird icon at the lower, left-hand corner of the screen and selecting System Tools then Qterminal, to see a list of the USB devices attached to a system.

lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ for devlink in /dev/disk/by-id/usb*; do readlink -f ${devlink}; done

You can find the location where a USB drive is mounted by issuing the mount command and then piping the output into the grep command to find information on just the particular drive in which you are interested.

lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ mount | grep sdc
/dev/sdc1 on /media/lubuntu/EMTEC C450 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,rela

In this case, I knew the USB flash drive was a 16GB Emtec device and I was able to see it was mounted at /media/lubuntu/EMTEC C450. I was then able to view the files and folders for the drive from the shell prompt.

lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ ls /media
cdrom  lubuntu  root
lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ ls /media/lubuntu
'EMTEC C450'
lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ ls /media/lubuntu/'EMTEC C450'
 EMTEC.icns   EMTEC.ico  'System Volume Information'   autorun.inf


  1. How do I figure out which /dev is a USB flash drive?
    Date: September 16, 2008

[/os/unix/linux/lubuntu] permanent link

Sun, Mar 09, 2025 9:53 pm

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from an ISO file using Rufus

If you have an ISO file that could be written to a CD or DVD to boot a system, but wish to use it to create a bootable USB flash drive and wish to do so using software on a Microsoft Windows system, you can use Rufus. The developer is Pete Batard and his blog can be found at Pete's Blog; the GitHub page for the software is at rufus.

[ More Info ]

[/os/windows/utilities] permanent link

Fri, Feb 28, 2025 7:55 pm

Burning an ISO file to a CD or DVD on a Windows 11 System

If you wish to burn a .iso file to a CD or a DVD on a Microsoft Windows 11 system, you can do so by taking the following steps.
  1. In the Windows File Explorer, Right-click on the .iso file, then click on Burn, which appears above the file list.

    Windows 11 - ISO - Click on Burn

  2. If the appropriate CD/DVD drive does not appear in the "Disc Burner" field, select it then click on Burn (check the box first for "Verify disc after burning", if you wish to have the program verify that the disc can be read successfully after the iso file is burned to the disc).

    Windows Disc Image Burner

  3. When the iso file has successfully been written to disc, you should see "The disc image has been successfully burned to disc." You can then click on the Close button.

    Disc image successfully burned

    The disc will then be ejected.

[/os/windows/win11] permanent link

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 8:08 pm

Add an AddEvent calendar to the desktop version of Outlook

AddEvent provides organizations and companies a means to add their event calendars to their users' calendars. When I was helping my wife add an organization's calendar to her desktop version of Outlook, when I tried to add the calendar through the AddEvent website, I saw two options for Outlook when I clicked on Add to Calendar. On the " Subscribe to the calendar" list of email options were the following: When I tried the Outlook option, the AddEvent website gave me no option to download the .ics calendar file for the organization, instead the only option was to have the site open the new Office 365 version of Outlook on the system, which would force her to sync her email, contacts, and calendar with the Microsoft cloud, which I didn't want to do. I wanted the .ics file so I could add it to the older version of Outlook on her desktop system that she uses for her email, calendar, and task list. There is a way to get the .ics file and use it with Outlook or another application, but you have to choose the "Yahoo (online)" option. In step 3 for the Yahoo instructions, you will see a URL for the .ics file which you can copy and paste into a new tab in your browser, which will allow you to download the .ics file to your system.

Yahoo - ICS URL

Once I had the .ics file, I was able to click on File then Open & Export in Outlook on my wife's PC to open the .ics file I downloaded and add the organization's calendar to her Outlook calendar.

Outlook - open calendar file

[/network/email/clients/outlook] permanent link

Mon, Jan 27, 2025 10:06 pm

Transferring files over an RDP connection

If you are connected to a remote Microsoft Windows system from another Windows system via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) using the Microsoft terminal services client provided by Microsoft with its Windows operating systems, mstsc.exe, you can copy and paste files from one system to the other as you would from one directory to another on one of the systems. E.g., if I want to copy a file from a remote Windows 11 system to my local Windows 11 system, I can select it in the Windows File Explorer on the remote system and then switch back to my local system and go to the directory where I want to place it using the File Explorer on that system and then hit Ctrl-V, i.e, the Ctrl and V keys, to paste the file into that directory. You can use the same technique to copy a directory, i.e., you can right click on the directory and choose "copy" and then switch to the other system and navigate in the File Explorer to where you wish to copy the directory and then and use the paste function, e.g. Ctrl-V to copy

I don't know how well the technique may work on very large files or directories, e.g., ones that are multiple gigabytes, but I've found it works well at least for those several megabytes in size. I also have not tested what happens if you try another copy and paste operation before the first one has completed.


  1. Transferring Files Via the Remote Desktop
    Date: March 13, 2010

[/os/windows/software/remote-control/rdp] permanent link

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