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Thu, Jul 31, 2014 10:48 pm

Uninstalling Shoutbox on an SMF 2.0.x forum

Since I had replaced Shoutbox on a Simple Machines Forum (SMF) site running SMF 2.0.8 with CometChat, I was asked to uninstall the Shoutbox mod and delete the files associated with it from the site.

SMFPacks Shoutbox 1.0.3 was shown in the packages list, but there was no option to install or uninstall it, only options to "List Files" or "Delete". But there was a configuration page for it within the forum software. That page showed that Shoutbox was disabled.

I found in the Packages directory for the forum there was a file. When I unzipped the file and checked the package-info.xml for it, I saw the following in the installation section for 1.x versions of SMF:

<!-- 1.1.x -->
<install for="1.1-1.1.99">

There was an installation section for 2.0.x versions of SMF as well:

<!-- 2.0.x -->
<install for="2.0">

Since it did not list a range of version numbers, I went to Admin, then Package Manager and then clicked on the Advanced link at the bottom of the list of mods. I then changed the Emulate Version value from 2.0.8 to 2.0 and clicked on the Apply button. I was then able to uninstall SMFPacks Shoutbox 1.0.3 and delete the files associated with it. I then clicked on the Advanced link again at the bottom of the list of mods, clicked on Revert beneath Emulate Version, and then clicked on the Apply button to put Emulate Version back to its original value.

[/network/web/forums/smf] permanent link

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 5:30 pm

Copying a MySQL table from one database to another

To copy a MySQL table, both the structure and data, from one database to another, the following two commands can be used inside MySQL where db1 is the original database and db2 is the new database and table is the name of the particular table you wish to copy.

CREATE TABLE db2.table LIKE db1.table;
INSERT INTO db2.table SELECT * FROM db1.table;

[/software/database/mysql] permanent link

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 4:30 pm

Showing all MySQL databases or all tables in a database

For MySQL on a Linux system, if you need a list of all MySQL databases you can display a list of the databases by logging into MySQL and then issuing the command show tables; or from a shell prompt you can issue the command mysqlshow -u username -p where username is a MySQL username. The -p option will result in a prompt for the password associated with the username.
$ mysqlshow -u jdoe -p
Enter password:
|     Databases      |
| information_schema |
| jdoedbf            |
| test               |
| tokyo              |
If you need a list of all tables in a MySQL database, you can display a list of tables by logging into MySQL with an account that has access to the database and then issuing the command show tables; or from a shell prompt you can issue the command mysqlshow -u username -p dbname where username is the account with access to the database and dbname is the name of the database. The -p option will prompt for the password for the account.
$ mysqlshow -u jdoe -p products

If you need to find a table with particular text in the name, you can pipe the output of the mysqlshow command into grep. E.g., if you were looking for a table in a database named "products" with many tables that contained "cat" as part of the name of the table, you could use something like the following:

$ mysqlshow -u jdoe -p products | grep cat

[/software/database/mysql] permanent link

Sat, Jul 19, 2014 5:17 pm

Taking a screenshot with scrot

Scrot is a command line screen capturing application for Linux systems developed by Tom Gilbert. If the package is installed, you can type scrot imagefile to take a snapshot of the screen and store it in the file named imagefile, e.g., scrot test.png. If you don't want the terminal window from which you ran the command captured in the screenshot, you can issue the sleep command followed by some delay in seconds followed by a semicolon and then the scrot command to give you time to minimize the terminal window from which you ran the command. E.g.:
$ sleep 10; scrot test.png

The above command would give you 10 seconds to minimize the terminal window and any other open windows you didn't want to see in the screenshot. The results of the screenshot would be stored in the directory from which the command was run in the file test.png. Or you can use the scrot command's own delay parameter, -d or --delay followed by the number of seconds of delay you wish to give yourself before scrot captures the screen, e.g., scrot -d 10.

For help on the utility issue the command scrot --help.

scrot --help
Usage : scrot [OPTIONS]... [FILE]
  Where FILE is the target file for the screenshot.
  If FILE is not specified, a date-stamped file will be dropped in the
  current directory.
  See man scrot for more details
  -h, --help                display this help and exit
  -v, --version             output version information and exit
  -b, --border              When selecting a window, grab wm border too
  -c, --count               show a countdown before taking the shot
  -d, --delay NUM           wait NUM seconds before taking a shot
  -e, --exec APP            run APP on the resulting screenshot
  -q, --quality NUM         Image quality (1-100) high value means
                            high size, low compression. Default: 75.
                            For lossless compression formats, like png,
                            low quality means high compression.
  -m, --multidisp           For multiple heads, grab shot from each
                            and join them together.
  -s, --select              interactively choose a window or rectangle
                            with the mouse
  -u, --focused             use the currently focused window
  -t, --thumb NUM           generate thumbnail too. NUM is the percentage
                            of the original size for the thumbnail to be,
                            or the geometry in percent, e.g. 50x60 or 80x20.
  -z, --silent              Prevent beeping

  Both the --exec and filename parameters can take format specifiers
  that are expanded by scrot when encountered.
  There are two types of format specifier. Characters preceded by a '%'
  are interpreted by strftime(2). See man strftime for examples.
  These options may be used to refer to the current date and time.
  The second kind are internal to scrot  and are prefixed by '$'
  The following specifiers are recognised:
                  $f image path/filename (ignored when used in the filename)
                  $m thumbnail path/filename
                  $n image name (ignored when used in the filename)
                  $s image size (bytes) (ignored when used in the filename)
                  $p image pixel size
                  $w image width
                  $h image height
                  $t image format
                  $$  prints a literal '$'
                  \n prints a newline (ignored when used in the filename)
          scrot '%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/images/shots/'
          Creates a file called something like 2000-10-30_2560x1024_scrot.png
          and moves it to your images directory.

This program is free software see the file COPYING for licensing info.
Copyright Tom Gilbert 2000
Email bugs to <>

You can also type man scrot to see information on use of the utility.


  1. Scrot
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. The Tom Gilbert Blog

[/os/unix/linux/utilities/graphics] permanent link

Sat, Jul 19, 2014 1:11 pm

Steps for taking a screenshot in GIMP

Steps for taking a screenshot in GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), which is a free graphics program available for Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Microsoft Windows systems.
  1. Click on File.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Select Screenshot.
  4. When the GIMP screenshot window opens, you will have the option of selecting the area for the screenshot.
    • Take a screenshot of a single window
      [ ] Include window decoration
    • Take a screenshot of the entire screen
      [ ] Include mouse pointer
    • Select a region to grab
    Delay [ 0 ] seconds

    At the end of the delay, click in a window to snap it.

  5. When you have selected the option you want, click on the Snap button.

If you choose to take a screenshot of a single window, the cursor will change to something similar to a "+". Move the cursor over the appropriate window and that window will be pasted into a GIMP window when you click on the window. Note: make sure you don't have any windows overlapping the one you wish to capture, otherwise you may see a portion of an overlapping window in the screenshot.

If you don't want to capture the border around a window, scrollbars for the window, and any application menu at the top of the window, uncheck "Include window decoration.

If you choose "Take a screenshot of the entire screen", a snapshot will be taken of the entire screen including the GIMP window.

If you select a region to grab, the cursor will change as above. You can then click in one corner of the area of the screen you wish to include in the snapshot then drag the mouse to a diagonal corner while holding the mouse button down. When you release the button, the area selected will be captured.

Once you have the screen shot, you can create a GIF, JPG, PNG, etc. image file from the screenshot by clicking on File and selecting Export.

[/software/graphics/gimp] permanent link

Fri, Jul 18, 2014 8:53 pm

Determining the default browser from the command line

If you need to determine the default browser on a system running Microsoft Windows, you can look in the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command

Default browser in registry

To determine the default browser from the command line, you can use the command reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command /ve.

C:\>reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command /ve

    (Default)    REG_SZ    "C:\Program Files\Network\Web\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1"

If you just wanted a true or false result for determining whether Firefox is the default browser, you could pipe the output of the reg query command to the find command as below. A result of 0 means "false", i.e., Firefox is not the default browser and a result of 1 means it is the default browser.

C:\>reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command /ve | find /c /i "firefox"


  1. How Does Your Browser Know that It’s Not The Default?
    Date: March 23, 2007
    The New Old Thing | Absurdity in Its Fullest

[/network/web/browser] permanent link

Tue, Jul 08, 2014 10:57 pm

Junos Pulse VPN Client Issue on Mac OS X

The Junos Pulse 5.0.3 VPN client had been working fine on my Mac OS X laptop for quite some time, but recently whenever I opened it, it would show "Disconnecting". I could click on the Connect button, which resulted in the application displaying "connect requested", but the application would never connect nor disconnect. I could select "Close Junos Pulse" in the application, but when I restarted the application I was in the same situation. I could probably have resolved the problem by rebooting, but since I had a lot of applications and files open and didn't want to have to close all the files and applications, I looked for another alternative. Issuing the following commands at a command prompt from a terminal window allowed me to eliminate the problem without rebooting.
$ launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/
$ osascript -e 'tell application "Junos Pulse" to quit'

The account I was logged in under had adminisrator level access, so I simply provided its password at the password prompt above.

When I reopened Junos Pulse afterwards, it wasn't showing any available connections, so I closed it and then issued the commands below.

$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/
$ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/

When I then reopened the Junos Pulse application through the Finder, I saw the VPN connection I normally use and was able to successfully establish a VPN connection. And I was able to disconnect without a problem afterwards.

[/os/os-x] permanent link

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