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Sun, Sep 08, 2024 8:34 pm

Deleting all lines that don't begin with specific text in vim

In the vim text editor, if I want to remove every line in a file that does not contain the word "FALL" in capital letters, I can use :v/FALL/d, i.e., type the colon key and then v, which works like the grep command grep -v to select only lines in a file that don't contain a specified text string. The particular text on which you wish vim to searh is preceded and followed by the slash delimiter with a d at the end to specify you wish those lines not containing the text, e.g., FALL in this case, to be deleted. If I want to delete only those lines that begin with FALL, I can use :v/^FALL/d as the caret specifies that the text should occur at the beginning of lines (a dollar sign, $, would indicate I wanted to select only lines where the text was found at the end of the line). Note: you can also use :g!/^FALL/d to achieve the same end — without the exclamation mark after the global command, all lines containing FALL would be deleted, but as the exclamation mark represents "not", all lines not containing FALL at the beginning of the line are deleted.

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