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Sat, Mar 21, 2009 2:27 pm

Changing the IP address of a Dell PowerConnect 3024 Switch

You can change the IP address of a Dell PowerConnect 3024 switch by taking the steps below.
  1. Connect to the system via telnet. From the initial welcome screen you must enter a password to proceed, if password protection is enabled. If password protection is disabled, the main menu is displayed. By default, password protection is disabled. If password protection is enabled, the default password is switch.
                W     W
                W  W  W  EEEEEE  L        CCCC    OOOO   M    M  EEEEEE
                W  W  W  E       L       C    C  O    O  MM  MM  E
                W  W  W  EEEEE   L       C       O    O  M MM M  EEEEE
                W  W  W  E       L       C       O    O  M    M  E
                W  W  W  E       L       C    C  O    O  M    M  E
                 WW WW   EEEEEE  LLLLLL   CCCC    OOOO   M    M  EEEEEE
    Enter password:
  2. From the main menu, select System Manager.
                                   PowerConnect 3024
                                       Main Menu
                                 a. System Manager
                                 b. Port Manager
                                 c. Address Manager
                                 d. Spanning Tree
                                 e. VLAN and CoS Setup
                                 f. Port Trunking
                                 g. Port Mirroring
                                 h. SNMP Management
                                 i. Multimedia Support
                                 j. Statistics
                                 k. Save Configuration
    Hit <Enter> to configure General, IP, Password, NVRAM, Firmware, or Reset
                                                    <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save
  3. Then select IP Settings.
                                   PowerConnect 3024
                                     System Manager
                                   a. General Info
                                   b. IP Settings
                                   c. Security Admin
                                   d. Firmware Update
                                   e. Reset
    Hit <Enter> to configure the IP Address, Gateway Address, or Network Mask
    <ESC> Back                                      <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save
  4. Change the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address to the appropriate values for your LAN.
                                   PowerConnect 3024
                               System Manager/IP Settings
                                 IP Address:  
                               Network Mask:
                            Default Gateway:
    Enter this switch's IP address
    <ESC> Back                                      <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save

    Note: if you hit enter the values are changed, but not saved, so you can revert to the previous values by powering off the switch and powering it back on. If you are changing the address, such that the new address is no longer in the same subnet as the existing address and the gateway IP address will also change, rather than just changing from an address in the same subnet to another, I would suggest changing the gateway address first, because you can't change the IP address and then use the cursor keys to move to other fields. When you type in the new IP address, you can hit Escape to undo the change or Enter to accept it. If the change would place the switch in a different subnet than the system from which you have connected to the switch by telnet, you will be immediately disconnected when you hit Enter.

    But, if you change the gateway address first and hit Enter, the cursor will automatically jump to the IP address field, where you can then change the IP address. You will still be disconnected as soon as the IP address is changed to one that isn't in the same subnet as the connecting system, but then you've got both values changed.

  5. If you are just changing the IP to one in the same subnet, hit Ctrl-W to save the new configuration. If you've been disconnected, because you changed the IP address to one in a different subnet, reconfigure the connecting system, log back into the PowerConnect 3024 and save the configuration.

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Sun, Feb 10, 2008 2:02 pm

Dell PowerConnect 3024 - Finding MAC Addresses

To determine the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of devices connected to a Dell PowerConnect 3024 switch, take the following steps:
  1. Select Address Manager from the main menu.

                                   PowerConnect 3024
                                       Main Menu
                                 a. System Manager
                                 b. Port Manager
                                 c. Address Manager
                                 d. Spanning Tree
                                 e. VLAN and CoS Setup
                                 f. Port Trunking
                                 g. Port Mirroring
                                 h. SNMP Management
                                 i. Multimedia Support
                                 j. Statistics
                                 k. Save Configuration
    Hit  to configure Static Address Table or Address Aging Time
                                                    <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save

  2. Select Dynamic Addresses from the Address Manager menu.

                                   PowerConnect 3024
                                    Address Manager
                       a. Static Addresses
                       b. Dynamic Addresses
                       c. Address Aging
                       d. Static Multicast Groups Administration
                       e. Static Multicast Groups Membership
    Hit <Enter> to view Dynamic Addresses
    <ESC> Back                                      <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save

You will then see the MAC addresses that have been seen by the switch for each port. Ports with no device attached will not be listed. If nothing is listed for a port at the time you check, though, that does not necessarily mean that no device is attached to that port, only that no activity has been seen on that port recently. A system could be attached to the port, but turned off, or may be on, but has not communicated with another device over the network recently.

If the switch is seeing multiple MAC addresses on a port, as it would if there is another switch or hub plugged into the port, which itself has multiple systems plugged into it, it will show all of the MAC addresses. In the example below, 5 addreses are listed for port 6 and 4 addresses are listed for port 16. There is another switch connected to port 6 and a hub connected to port 16.

                               PowerConnect 3024
                       Address Manager/Dynamic Addresses

             Dynamic Address Learning is: Enabled
    Port:      VLAN ID:      MAC Address:                   Query  Next  Prev
    Port    VLAN     MAC Address             Port    VLAN     MAC Address
    1:3     1     00:0c:f1:c8:99:09          1:16    1     00:09:6b:19:38:a5
    1:4     1     00:13:20:97:de:e4          1:20    1     00:16:01:41:72:3b
    1:5     1     00:1d:09:0a:5d:55
    1:6     1     00:11:11:64:ec:bc
    1:6     1     00:13:20:97:e2:cf
    1:6     1     00:13:72:3b:4a:b6
    1:6     1     00:16:76:96:cb:1e
    1:6     1     00:17:a4:26:88:d5
    1:7     1     00:11:11:5e:b5:90
    1:8     1     00:11:11:a8:9c:b0
    1:15    1     00:30:18:aa:70:a5
    1:16    1     00:00:74:ad:e8:c6
    1:16    1     00:00:c5:7c:08:7c
    1:16    1     00:06:25:b5:b4:62

Hit <Space> to Enable or Disable Dynamic Address Learning
<ESC> Back                                      <Ctrl-L> Refresh  <Ctrl-W> Save

If you see a MAC address which you don't recognize, you can lookup up the manufacturer of the network adapter associated with that address at Vendor/Ethernet MAC Address Lookup and Search, which may help you identify what type of device is connected on the port showing that MAC address. For instance, when I look up 00:09:6b:19:38:a5, I see the vendor listed as "IBM Corporation". When I look up 00:17:a4:26:88:d5, I see "Global Data Services (may now be Hewlett-Packard, HP)" listed and, in this case, the device is an HP K5400 printer.


  1. Vendor/Ethernet MAC Address Lookup and Search

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