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Mon, Aug 18, 2008 8:21 pm

Transferring BlackBerry Filters to Another System

To transfer BlackBerry email filters from one system to another, take the following steps. Note: these steps were written for BlackBerry Desktop Manager Version [Mar 19 2007] running on a Windows XP system.
  1. Click on Start.
  2. Select Programs.
  3. Select BlackBerry.
  4. Select BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
  5. Double-click on Email Settings.
  6. Click on the Filters tab.

    Email Settings Filters

  7. Click on Save.
  8. Save the filters to an .rfi file.
  9. Take the saved file to the other computer and go through the same steps, except click on Load to load the filters, rather than Save to save them.
  10. [/network/email/blackberry] permanent link

Mon, Jan 21, 2008 10:47 pm

Generating a New Encryption Key with BlackBerry Desktop Manager

If you get the message "Current Encryption Key is out of date. A new encryption key will have to be generated.", when attempting to synchronize your BlackBerry with the BlackBerry Desktop Manager you must generate a new encryption key.

Messages are encrypted prior to being sent between the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software and your BlackBerry. The encryption key for the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and the BlackBerry's own encryption key must match in order for messages to be decrypted at the receiving end. Encryption keys can be manually or automatically generated.

If you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager for synchronization, take the following steps to generate a new encryption key:

  1. Connect the BlackBerry device to the computer.
  2. In BlackBerry Desktop Manager, double-click Redirector Settings.
  3. In the Redirector Settings window, click the Security tab.
  4. Select Generate keys manually, then click Generate. The Generating New Key window will appear.
  5. Move the mouse around until the Generating New Key window closes. The random mouse movements help randomize the encryption key. When the window closes, a new encryption key has been generated.
  6. If you want to be prompted to generate a new encryption key every 31 days, select Generate keys automatically.
  7. Click Apply, then click OK.


  1. Encryption keys
    Doc ID : KB00171
    Last Modified : 2007-03-22
    Research In Motion Limited
  2. Generate a new encryption key
    Doc ID : KB02740
    Last Modified : 2007-06-07
    Research In Motion Limited

[/network/email/blackberry] permanent link

Wed, Nov 21, 2007 12:39 pm

BlackBerry Email Filters

For BlackBerry Desktop Manager 4.2.2 (Apr 26 2007), take the steps below. For BlackBerry Desktop Manager Version (Apr 27 2005), see Creating an Email Filter for a Blackberry.
  1. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
  2. Double-click on Email Settings.

    BlackBerry Desktop Manager Email - Select Email Settings

  3. Click on the Filters tab.

    BlackBerry Filters

  4. Click on the New button.
  5. At the Add Filter window type whatever name you wish to use for the filter in the Filter Name field.

    BlackBerry Add Filter

  6. You can filter on the "from", "sent to", "subject", and "body" fields.

    If you did not want to forward messages from a particular email address, you would check the From checkbox. If you didn't want to forward messages from multiple senders, you could put all of their email addresses in the From field, separating the addresses by semicolons. You can also use an asterisk as a wildcard to block multiple sending addresses. For instance if you wanted to block all email from senders, you could put * in the From field.
  7. Check the "Don't forward message to the device" checkbox.
  8. Click on OK.
  9. Click on OK again at the Email Settings window.

[/network/email/blackberry] permanent link

Thu, Aug 24, 2006 10:12 pm

Creating an Email Filter for a Blackberry

Note: The following applies if you are using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager Version (Apr 27 2005). A different process may be needed for other versions - see BlackBerry Email Filters for instructions for version (Apr 26 2007).

To create an email filter to stop some email from going to a Blackberry, e.g. messages that have been tagged as spam, take the following steps:

  1. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager on the PC. If you don't see a shortcut for it, look under Start, All Programs, then BlackBerry.

    Blackberry Desktop Manager

  2. Double-click on Redirector Settings.

  3. Click on the Filters tab.

  4. Click on the New button.

  5. In the Filter Name field, type a name for the filter, e.g. "Spam". Check the Subject checkbox and type the text that will appear in the subject field that identifies spam. In the case where SpamAssassin marks probable spam with "[SPAM]", you would put [SPAM] in that field.

    If, instead, you did not want to forward messages from a particular email address, you would check the From checkbox. If you didn't want to forward messages from multiple senders, you could put all of their email addresses in the From field, separating the addresses by semicolons. You can also use an asterisk as a wildcard to block multiple sending addresses. For instance if you wanted to block all email from senders, you could put * in the From field.

    When you have specified the filter you want, check "Don't forward messages to the handheld.

    Blackberry Redirector Edit 

  6. Click on OK.
  7. Blackberry Redirector 

  8. Click on OK again.

[/network/email/blackberry] permanent link

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