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Sat, Aug 31, 2024 7:44 pm

Switching to the sent folder in Mutt

If you are in the Mutt email program and wish to switch to another folder, such as the one containing your sent email, you can hit the c key, which is shorthand for ChDir, which will provide the prompt Open mailbox ('?' for list):. You can type the name of the folder, e.g., sent to change the currently displayed folder. If you wish to go immediately to the sent folder when opening mutt you can use the -f option, i.e., mutt -f sent.

[/network/email/clients/mutt] permanent link

Tue, Aug 15, 2017 10:07 pm

Saving an email message to a file in mutt

Mutt is a text-based email client for Linux and Unix-like systems. If you want to save a particular message to a file in mutt, you can select the message then hit the v (the lowercase letter) key. In mutt, the letter is used for "view-attachments", but you can also use it to save the body of an email message to a file. If you hit the s key with the message selected or while viewing the message, you will see "<no description>" next to the number 1. If the email has any attachments they will be numbered from 2 upwards. With the first entry, i.e. the one labeled "<no description>" selected, if you hit the letter s (lowercase letter), you will see "Save to file:"

Mutt - save to file

Type the file name you wish the message to be saved under after "Save to file:" After saving the file, you can hit q several times to get back to the shell prompt. The message will be in the current directory. The file will only contain the contents of the message, not the message header, i.e., you won't see from, to, and subject lines.

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